Tuesday, September 27, 2005

The Rain.

it's funny how fast feelings changes. how serious a person can think.

i met Lisa, a friend back in Stamford's foundation. she's working there as a receptionist now. studying part time at Systematic. it's been a while since we see each other. so we had lunch together and talked bout our recent life. without knowing, i learned something new from the conversation today.

it rained the other day... and it reminds me of how much i miss the rain.. it's been a while since i sat down at one corner and watch the raindrops. i've always liked the rain.. i've always liked watching the rain and walking in it..

i kept wondering how certain things would turn out if certain things were to be done in a different way. how a person would feel if different words were to be used in a same situation. how strong a word can be in different situation.

i wonder why people tend to say things when they don't mean it. do things when they don't want to. make promises when they know they can't keep.

[music on air]
hed kandi's.

[current mood]

[quote of the day]
win yourself before thinking of winning others.

[next station]

Monday, September 26, 2005

the wedding..

the photos. Posted by Picasa

the bride. Posted by Picasa

the hooi siblings and the newlyweds. Posted by Picasa

on the way.. Posted by Picasa

smiles~ Posted by Picasa

she's my mommy's younger sister.. hehe.. Posted by Picasa

that's my mommy's daddy.. Posted by Picasa

i'm wearing debb's dress. Posted by Picasa

and she's wearing my dress.. Posted by Picasa

two piggies. Posted by Picasa

heeee... Posted by Picasa

me and cousie, peijun. Posted by Picasa

us! Posted by Picasa

debb and desmond.. love them! Posted by Picasa