Wednesday, April 23, 2008


i'm sure many of you heard of TruDtox tea... which obviously, is a detox tea for those who's very toxic.


after reading the newpaper about detox few weeks back, i finally bought this TruDtox tea to flush out all the toxic and shit that sticks on the wall of my intestines.

boyfriend always complain that i have an ugly huge bulging tummy and i'm tired of telling him that i'm easily bloated so i thought of detoxing. it's not cheap ok... rm29++ for only FIVE sachets of teabags! so so SO expensive!

i just started drinking it today, in fact, i'm drinking it now while i'm writing this... so far nothing happened yet. (i read that this tea will make my tummy slimmer!)

hopefully will see results after one week.

if not, then i think it's really the water retention. or maybe it's really the fats.. tsk tsk..

1 comment:

Ai said...

ey Dy,
my mum gave me this petua.. how to make tummy flatter. you take kapur sirih (the one old people eat with sirih leaves) and mixed with bedak sejuk and lime. then put on tummy while sleeping. balut your tummy with kain.
for 2 months. i havent tried it yet but im gonna tonight..

rase macam tak confident je.