Monday, March 16, 2009

It’s been 2 weeks (I think) since the last time I slept at my own house.. so I thought of going back for a night or two this week…

Note to self : I seriously need to go home more often!

Since it’s unplanned (I don’t have to plan when to go back to my own house anyway, right?), so I SMSed Smelly..

Dy : bB, I’m going back to sleep tonight.

Smelly :

Dy : So long didn’t go back…

Smelly : You got new
phone then leave me alone

Dy : *insert an indifferent-look

Smelly : Bad la u *insert 8-) emoticon*

Dy :
You ah… where got… come.. I sayang you back. Muahx!



Anonymous said...

Aiks?? Just now post he kenot remember u dun eat mee... now got sayang and muahx! summore??

My gigi sakit liao. :P

dy said...

too bad..i'm a very forgiving person.
