Saturday, May 16, 2009


Finally have the time to post up some photos here.. ok.. so I went to Melaka with Vincent in March (i know.. damn long d right?) not knowing how exactly to go, we just fuel up the tank and drove down to Melaka. Being a safer "adventurist", Vincent bought a map while i pump the petrol. actually i planned to go Cherating that weekend but he said he don't have enough time to do research so we went to Melaka instead. at least nearer...
we started our journey at about 2pm.. reached there about 4 and the first stop we went to is the chicken rice ball shop.
my plate of rice balls. so-so only
Vincent likes it with dark soy sauce.
my favourite dish. but too bad, it's COLD. yes... it's cold. it's either they scooped it out for hours or they forgot to make it hot. NOT NICE. what a disappointment. better luck in finding a nice chicken rice ball stall next time!
after that, we went for a walk at Jonker Street. it's just like normal pasar malam. a lot of food stalls and when we passed by each stalls, we're like.. "wanna try??" then we'll agree to "try later after the walk". then we came by this shop who's selling asam laksa. we were both salivating.. probably because both of us likes asam laksa.. then beside the stall, it's another stall who sells asam laksa. but looked like very full. so we decided to join the crowd and lined up for it.
remember this.

after 10 minutes of waitng in line, we finally got our laksa. because we're still full from rice, we only ordered one bowl to share. BIG MISTAKE.

cos it's so the very delicious that we're both fighting for it!!!

only remember to take a photo after we drank the soup. lol!

look at him...

see? i'm not kidding! it's like the best asam laksa!! btw, that's Nyoya Asam Laksa that he ordered.. they have quite a few types of laksa to choose from.

chendol. it's quite nice but too "coconutty" for my liking.

look at the people waiting to get that bowl of laksa..

and the stall beside it is like.. totally opposite!

after laksa, we walked a while and went hunting for satay celup.

we're too full so we ordered only a few sticks.. it's not as good as i remembered though..

oh.. bought a lot of dodol home as well.. and some of it will be delivered to NY for veyBoy cos he's craving for it! heheh.. can we actually post food overseas??

this trip is short but fun. too bad we didn't have camera with us.. we both forgot to charge our camera! who wants to go Melaka with me next time???