Tuesday, May 19, 2009

salty food is for porridge.

Since the minced pork is too salty, i've decided to cook porridge on Sunday. so i went to get some canned makerel with black bean and perserved vege to go with it.. no need took... just heat it up and we're ready to eat! but cooking poridge is quite mah fan cos need to keep on stiring it so that it won't burn. (it's actually my first time cooking porridge! lol!) so i called daddy to get some idea on how to actually cook porridge (paiseh..) cos i scared it came out not like rice, not like porridge.. die. luckily i did well. i'm soo proud of myself... oh... told daddy about my too salty minced pork and he gave me some tips how to make it better! shouldn't have used soy sauce to marinate! oh well... will cook better next time!

makerel with black bean. taste better than the usual fish with black bean cos it's not too dry.

my fav preserved vege stem!!

the leftover pork.

my bowl of porridge! oh.. i forgot to snap a photo of my FAVOURITEst "foo yu" (fermented beancurd?) yummy! i like!!!!

i'm sure he said something funny stupid.

i should cook more nowadays.. save money, healthier food.. (though sometimes it's canned food.. lol).. if i have the time sure i'll cook more...but since Smelly's mom is back today, i guess i'll just let the veteran do the job.. lol!

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