Monday, July 13, 2009

addicted to books all over again?

so i've been away (from blogging) for some time now. actually, i'm still procrastinating on getting a card reader to transfer all the photos. and been too busy about many things lately. and oh... i've almost forgot how addictive reading is. until i picked up Twilight. i finished reading Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse in just 4 days. what an achievement. at last (and at least) i don't feel too guilty about what i've bought months ago.. probably years ago.

i wanna talk about this Twilight thingy.

seriously.. the book is WAY better than the movie though. the movie is good actually, but then if you read the book before the movie, you'll think that the movie screwed up all the timeline and all. luckily i watched the movie before i read the book. lol.


i liked Bella in Twilight. but not in New Moon and Eclipse. she's such a hypocrite. a traitor. it seems to me that she betrayed her love. she betrayed Edward. she betrayed Edward's love. Edward's love for her. i mean.. she so indecisive! and i hate that fact that she actually SAID that she love Jacob! ugh.. (it made me feels so... so ME. well, not entirely but her selfishness. her greediness. ugh.)

maybe i'm just too biased towards Edward. maybe the author purposely do that. you know...

i don't know what i'm talking about now. but just.. i just feel sorry for Edward. how can he love someone who love someone else too, at the same time? it bugs me.

New Moon is very VERY draggy for my liking. maybe it's just because i prefer vampires over werewolves. Eclipse is so-so only. i began to feel that the author likes to drag. and then full stop. ending already.

i just started reading the last book, Breaking Dawn, just an hour ago. still very excited cos Bella and Edward is getting married. i hope the last book is not as draggy as the second and third book though..

hmm.. what shall i read after this?

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