Monday, March 15, 2010

Actually Trip : Gem Island! Day: ONE - First Half.

So we finally went to Gem Island 2 weeks ago after planning/talking about it since like.. 2 years ago.. but as usual, my plans are normally not supported by a lot of people so i'm considering retiring from suggesting any outings in the future. ok let's not digress. 

so i bought the air tix in December (i think) when Fireflyz are having zero fare so return tix for a pax was just RM90. super good deal okay. and the airport is so near that we can literally walk there.

i was kinda worried that our flight will be delayed after reading so much stories about their infamous flight delays online.

SkyPark Subang Terminal aka Lapangan Terbang SAAS Terminal 3.


our flight was scheduled at 7am. we took a cab to the airport and arrived at 6am. initially, we thought of driving there cos it's so near and parking rates is just RM25/day, plus minus, about the same as we take a cab to and fro. but it was raining just before we go out so we decided to just call a cab. 

first time on Fireflyz. 

seriously, i was very nervous cos it was raining and the possibility of having a delayed flight is very high! but since they let us check in at 6am and reminded us that the gate open and boarding time is at 6.30am, so we just keep our fingers crossed and went for breakfast.

never too early for ice white coffee!

and so Fireflyz did not disappoint us!!! we REALLY boarded at 6.30am SHARP and by 7am, the plane took off!!! you cannot imagine how happy i was. so i guess those storied i read online about flight delays are perhaps a lil exaggerated. either that, or i was just plain lucky.

it was still drizzling when we took off and look at the fog!

after a about 10 minutes flying, we saw sunrise! ♥!

to be honest, it's the first time i feel like vomiting when i'm flying. not that i fly a lot, but the journey is really not so er... pleasant.. due to the kinda bad weather when we took off and halfway through the whole plane was rocking and swaying left right up and down. and i guess i'm not the only person feeling that cos when we touch down, i went to the toilet and heard quite a number of people throwing up inside.. 

after one hour flight, we finally reached Terengganu airport. WeiLeng and her bf, Wai Lam (i think it's spelt this way) flew Air Asia and reached 5 mins earlier than us. We took a cab, which cost RM50 per cab per way, and about 30 mins later, we reached the jetty. 

while waiting for the boat.


seriously, i hoped we had more friends with us in this trip. =(

10 minutes of speedboat.

and we're greeted with a welcome drink! whee!

our room.

i'm gonna repeat again here as i stated in fb and twitter, THIS is supposed to be Uncle Mun 's space, who FFKed us even AFTER he said "ok ok buy buy!!" when i asked him before i buy the air tix for us. he wasted the tix. hmphh! (you still owe me the tix money. i shall charge interest! boo!) 

straight view from our balcony.

clear clear water below our villa. spot the fish.

spot the crab.

so after a few rounds of CW™ in the room with the net.. 


 we're off to our first snorkel! 

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