Friday, February 11, 2011

CNY 2011 So Far... - Makan Version!

One of the best things during Chinese New Year is of course... FOOD!!!

dad told me last time when they were young (and poor), CNY is really the only time they get to eat chicken and if they're lucky, seafood. Grandpa will rear the chicken few months before CNY and slaughter it during the eve of CNY. unlike now, we get to eat chicken and seafood EVERY DAY. okay.. i digressed. back to yummy foods! besides reunion dinner on the eve of CNY, we pig out throughout CNY.

DAY 1.

we had homemade glutinous balls (Tong Yuen) on the first day of CNY.

because it's a tradition to have (at least half day) vegetarian, dad cooked "Zhai Choy" to go with rice. Don't let the out look fool you.. it's SUPER delicious! and healthy too...

DAY 2.

Went to 3rd aunt's house at Tampin just in time for late breakfast... and she never failed to cook awesome dishes every time we went for visit!

Glutinous chicken rice aka Loh Mai Kai.

Chicken rendang for Ah Kor...

Special carrot cake - with Lap Cheong, corns, and a few types of beans. YUMS!
Yam pork.

Fish paste "yong" mushrooms.

Fried fishcakes

Steam prawns with garlic.

and we had dessert!! Oreo cheesecake!! (no, she didn't make this one... bought from Secret Recipe geh..)

Dad told us not to eat so full cos we're going to Melaka to visit 1st aunt. Because.........

my favouritest food waiting for me there!!! it's "Lui Cha". traditionally, they serve with 7 different types of thinly sliced/chopped veges, nowadays, you can cook as much as you like!! and it's to go with grinded tea and peanuts broth/soup. not many people like the taste though. but we grew up helping dad grind the paste with a big clay pot (like those you use for plants) and with a guava tree branch. nowadays, they use blender... i have a love-hate relationship with this dish though.. sure it's healthy and taste awesome, but every time dad decide to cook this (which is almost once every 2 weeks), we had to help him to painstakingly sliced/chop the veges. and must slice until very thin cos thick not nice wor.. this is the most hated part. pfft. 

preserved vege.

 a type of onion. damn best!! my fav!!

long beans.

fried dried shrimps.

sayur sawi. i forgot what it's called in english. haha!

four-angled beans.


potato leaves.


corriander leaves. also my fav!

and the main and most important star- Lui Cha! (tea and penut paste broth..)

to go with rice.. aunt added fried garlics, which is awesome max!!!

my bowl of fiber goodness.

add the broth and we're ready to dig in!

Day 3

orange is still food right? heh..

Day 7 (人日)

7th day of CNY is called 人日 (People's Day), which is everybody's birthday. so i skipped gym and went to Petaling Street to buy Yee Sang. this Yee Sang is special cos they replace turnips with pears. the taste is just nice. very sweet and not dry cos they used pears. and it's not too sour. 

the infamous Yee Sang from West Lake Restaurant (西湖/Hup Kee) at Petaling Street.

"lou" for prosperity, good health, good business, get promoted, and many many happiness!


steam chicken to go with fish porridge.

guess what's inside???

lobster!!!! cos i missed the rice wine lobster Smelly's mom cooked on the 2nd day, she kept a bit for me..

counting down to our annual SuperFriends Lou Sang on 14th Feb at Flower Drum, Jalam Imbi. hopefully the food will be great.

oh.. i forgot the most important food....

if i can consider this as food lah. heh! sik wu!!!


leemun said...

very high grade photos !!
nicely taken.

dy said...

still got a lot to learn!