Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Kinda Typical Weekend.

my weekends are usually very typical.

like waking up around 2-3pm, go for Japanese class on Saturdays, laze around at home on Sundays.

last weekend, our friend went back to his hometown Bekok, Johor. his fater owns a durian farm and it's durian season now. he came back to KL and kindly gave us 2 OMFGWTFBBQ super hard-to-forget-yummylicious durians! gave us 2 because he didn't expect to bring back for us. heh. gotta love him for his kindness. :P

this one is fiberless and small seed. simply unforgetable taste.

i can't wait for my durian session at roadside with Shorty and Kamil.

mom sent back a huge parcel and 80% filled with soft toys for Eva and i kinda hijacked one of them.

meet my new fwen the unicorn.

typical weekend spent catching up on Fringe season 3 with ma new fwen.. and uhm.. painted my toe nails. super love episode 13.

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