Friday, June 03, 2011

Are You Really You?

Today, I’ve learned that in order to be happy, the first thing you need to do is be yourself.

We’re living in a world full of mysteries.

Full of lies.

Full of redundancies.

Full of controversies.

Full of hypocrites.

No matter what you do or how you do it, there will be people criticizing. There will be people who disagree.

Many times, we tend to sway from our own direction. We end up trying to please everyone by doing what deemed “right”.

We end up flocking with the “majority” just because we don’t want to be a cast-out.

We end up being one of them.

No self judgment.

No self confidence.

No sense of belonging.

No independence.

Because we rely too much on what others think of us.

Because we’re too mindful of how others see us.

We’re pressured to blend in.

We tend to forget who we are. We lose ourselves. We lose our identity.

We lose our happiness trying to make others happy.

So, before it starts killing you, get out of the stereotypical perspective.

Find your soul. Be yourself the way you are. Not the way others want you to.

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