Tuesday, June 07, 2011


Photo stolen from Google Image

I don’t know why but there’s a sudden gush of emo-ness came flooding in today.

It feels like a thousand needles stabbing through my heart.

It feels like the heart is crumpled and smashed.

It doesn’t feel too good.

It’s like it can never heal just yet.

Nothing out of ordinary happened today. But this feeling is so familiar like it happened before.

Yes. I think it happened before.

Somewhere. Some time ago.

Those time when listening to the rainfall is so comforting.

When the drops of rain composed a beautiful song.

When everything is not as complicated.

Those times.

And then, the rain stopped.

And the beautiful melody is forgotten.

The raindrops became a puddle of water waiting to be washed down the drain.

Little by little it went.

The sun shined and everything seems different.

And I tried to remember that song.

It just doesn’t sound the same anymore.


David Chua said...

I feel the same not long ago.

dy said...

have it healed? it's not easy for me though.