Showing posts with label TZF. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TZF. Show all posts

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Revisiting Lomography Fisheye

so few weeks ago we went Shah Alam botanical garden for cycling outing. but we didn't get to cycle cos the bikes were fully rented out so we decided to just walk around.

since it's been almost 5 years i didn't use the Lomo Fisheye that Shorty got for my 21st birthday, i decided to bring it along. luckily still can use lah..

using film camera gives a total different feeling. i love the excitement of not knowing how it will turn out until it's being process. it's like little surprises. hehe.

some of the photos are underexposed and blurish. but i guess practice makes perfect. will try to use it more often.