Wednesday, November 04, 2009

My new love - Eva Xafira Elme.

But i prefer calling her Chinese name, Choi Yi. 

My baby niece is growing up.. her facial features changed bit by bit now.. she looks more like Shorty to me.. her curly hair is so nice.. so cute! every time i see her, i feel happy. and i'm glad that even though we don't see each other often, she still remembers me. hehe. she's 20 months-old now. *cubitz* but she don't really like the idea of talking. i guess it's because we speak to her in Malay, Mandarin, Cantonese, English and sometimes Hakka. wtf.. confused. but she's getting better at it now. she like to say "No!"(imitate the mother. lol) and she knows a lot of words.. like car, key, zerd (lizard), ney (Barney), didi (daddy)... and of course.. yiyi (aunty, which is ME!)

 Shotry brought her to Genting.. dunno when cos i stole these photos. she likes to put her tongue out like that. i think because the tooth is growing.

cute Minie romper. 

and one of her signature expression.

see? so "express". <3

i requested to babysit her this weekend. can't wait!!

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