Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Monday, March 13, 2006
the decision.
i stopped college. yes. stopped. not quit. stop. i'll be studying part time soon. will be working full time and go back to study after everything's stable.
many people i know was kinda shocked when i told them that i'm gonna stop a while and work.. i'm sure they think that i'm stupid for making this kind of decision. some of them feel that it's a waste because i've already studied halfway.. but there are also friends who understands what i'm trying to do here.
there are still a lot of things in my mind now.. so many thoughts, so little time.. i don't know which one is to be settle first. perhaps i think too much.. perhaps there's really nothing in my head.. perhaps it's all only a dream.
still sober at
drunkard(s) vomited
Monday, February 27, 2006
it's been a while since i posted anything here... pc crashed for the thousand-th time..
anyway.. lotsa things happened. chinese new year was good. minus the working part, of course..
i'm still uncertain about many things in my life now... but i'm sure i'm trying hard to be fair and reasonable.. and to be more on the ground..
i've figured that it's okay to cry once in a while. it's okay to think about the past. it's okay that it hurts. it's okay to be alone sometimes. and it's okay that nobody understands. because that is life. because growing up (old) is supposed to be that way. because it'll make me a better person (i hope..).
anyway, i met few of my high school friends recently.. and it's nice to hang together again. although it's only a while, but it's nice. it's great to see those familiar faces again. reminds me of how i spent my years in high school.. how naive we were.. how happy it was.... though everyone's growing separately, when we're sitting at the same table, drinking our coffees and teas, we still talk a lot about everything. it's not as awkward as i've always imagined how reunion will be like..
i'm going to my very first class of the semester later in the morning.. kinda nervous.. though it's not the first time i go to college.. maybe because i've told myself that i cannot fail this time. told myself that i must be more disciplined this time. i hope i can do it.
things are going on fine between me and ming. oh.. btw.. i've started swimming again.. and working out a lil at home.. have to get back in shape before mommy comes back.. hmm...
i realised that lotsa things changed.. people around me changed.. little by little.. i've changed.. (i think..).. more focused (i guess).. oh, and i kinda stop visiting clubs like i used to.. (more sober) lol! so i've changed. but not drastically, i supposed. but i'm sure one thing will never change.. that i'll always be praying the same prayer and wishing the same wish every night before i go to sleep.
still sober at
drunkard(s) vomited