Wednesday, November 15, 2006

the out-of-boredom routine.

i was browsing the net at work today and i stumbled upon this website that tells you which celebrity you looked like...

so being extremely bored like usual, and i can't doze of at work like yesterday.. ( my boss caught me and a colleague sleeping during work time and he's quite furious about it...), i uploaded a photo of me and ming... and the result?????

guess who i look like??

♪♪\(^ω^\)( /^ω^)/♪♪

hahahaaa!! i looked like kyoko fukada?? ming is gonna laugh his ass out when he sees this!!!!!

and ming...? he looked like this...

ming looks like a lot of female celebrities!!!! hahahahaaa!!!!


Tuesday, November 14, 2006

the gathering.

so they held a gathering for their highschool friends few weeks ago at MBar, Philleo Damansara. well.. it's the boy's second gathering that i'm attending... they're crazy.... they're nice... they're just fabs people...!

MBar is just another so-so bar (dodgy, i'd say..). we went there on a saturday night and it's so quiet.. only few tables are occupied and perhaps they're regulars there. their ambassador is plump and we saw her dancing right in front of the bar, which is facing the main entrance. no wonder the bar is so quiet..

( ̄へ ̄)

the music they played??

ugh.... rnb...

they even played chinese and indonesian songs!! kinda..... er..... weird, right?? and most of the songs they played is very old school....

but the party is not as bad as it sounds tho..

at least everybody enjoyed drinking and talking and cam whoring..

o(^^o)(o^^)o わくわく

with the girls...

my pillow..

this is siew ling

see? wei leng and her boyfriend were there too!!

miss ya gurlie.. gurl...

this is pek yee & kenny

drunk? not yet!! haha... with joyce..


if any of you who're single and reading this, you can stop reading here... cos there'll be lotsa eyesoring photos that'll make you puke... even worse, you'll start to feel very lonely and started blaming yourself for dumping your ex partner.

now i've warn you, don't blame me if you started to feel bad.











sean & moon

told ya!!


joyce & gary

lovingly loving..

( ´∀`)

donald & joanne

(* ^)(^ *)チュウチュウ♪

kenny & pek yee

凸( ▼▼)===C<*_+ )ギュー!

the couple who always "sa fa cheong"..

dy & ming

(;-""-);'◇') ブゥε=(  ̄(●●) ̄)バカハミルー!ブタノケツー♪

fen & malau

getting married next year..!









the boys.

g i r l f r i e n d s

beer are girl's bestfriend?

t h i s i s f r i e n d s h i p

they may not get to see each other so often, but their friendship is strong.

this is friendship.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

the groceries.

i went groceries shopping the other day with ming. splurged almost a hundred bucks for that one hour visit to carrefour. damn...

actual plan was to get shampoo and nail polish remover. end up buying what??

walked into the supermarket and search for a basket..

ming : what are you looking for?

dy : basket-la...! easier ma.. no need carry so many things.. *grin sheepishly*

ming : *threw an evil look* so lazy..

found the basket under one of the counters.... started walking towards the dairy product aisle.. saw cheese.... (ming got one 8-days diet plan.. eat only green apples for first two days, then cheese for two days, vege two days and chicken breast for last two days.. i started eating green apples for few days.)

dy : b ar.. buy cheese lor...
ming : *another 'you-really-want-to-start-diet??' look*

took a pack of cheddar cheese stick and a pack of mozarella cheese..

continue walking..... walked past the ice-cream aisle... saw Wall's Sandwich Cookies ice-cream... (neh... the cow one...)

dy : eh... this one... heheheeee.... the one we saw on tv-leh.... (slowly open the freezer cover, hoping that he didn't notice)

ming : yalor... (looking at the package)

dy : you say wanna try right?? (took one packet out and chuck it in the basket and quickly close the cover. pretend nothing happened and walked away..)

ヾ(@^▽^@)ノ わはは

ming : *yet another you-fatty-bum-no-hope-d-lar look*

( `´)===C<*_+ )

dy : buy vege....

took some lantern pepper and celeries...

walked pass bakery section...

dy : wanna eat bread?? very nice one...

ming : duwan.

dy : smells nice... just came out from the oven some more.... *looking at the breads*

ming : what bread??

dy : potato bread... very nice one........

walked towards the counter... took one packet of bread and shove it in the basket...

walked happily hand-in-hand...

ming : eh.. buy coffee...

dy : owh...

ming : sugar and milk also....

took coffee and milk... then looked for shampoo...

dy : *walked along the shampoo aisle, looked each and every brand, couldn't decide which one to buy*turns to ming and ask for opinion*

ming : haiya... anything la... as long as can wash hair ok lor....

dy : but this one smell nice.... that one also not bad.... which one better???

ming : you like la..... i don't mind the smell wan...... *turns and look at other toiletries*

dy finally decided which shampoo to get.. turned and about to walk away...

ming : *chucked a deodorant stick in the basket* let's go look for sugar...

dy : *took a packet of fine sugar and walked pass biscuits snacks section.... stopped by and have a look... automatically took a packet of Meiji Panda chocolate filled biscuits and shoved it into the basket* come.. let's go..

ming : you....!!!!?...... (ugh... no hope) m(_ _)m

that was how the bill goes to almost a hundred bucks!!

*forgot to buy nail polish remover*

another incident...

i went to the bank to bank in some money for daddy the other day and walked pass Guardian on the way back to office... remembered the day before daddy said his arms itchy cos of allergies or something... so thought of getting some pills for him... they said Zyrtec is good, so i walked into the pharmacy...

remembered nail polish remover... walked and took one bottle.. automatically took one emery board... then also just remembered i need to get some sanitary pads... walked up and looked for almost 10 minutes... saw cotton buds (ming's place no more cotton buds), took one packet.... saw dental floss..(ming's place no floss), took one.... saw 3-in-1 coffee.. (remembered ming always drink coffee but lazy go make, suitable for him...) took one packet... on the way down... almost forgot no more tampon, took one.... walked straight to the counter and paid.... *another 60 bucks gone....*

walked happily back to the office..

*forgot to buy the most important thing.... pills for daddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*

Σ( ̄ε ̄;・・・

Saturday, November 04, 2006

21st October 2006. the wedding.

it's Deepavali day and we have to wake up extra early to attend Kelvin and Nikko's wedding. the guys have to become "heng dai' and we girls have to become "ji mui".

on the way to the groom's house in the morning.

as i reached nikko's house, almost everybody's there. waiting for the groom to pick her up.. she looked beautiful with the wedding gown..

i reckon that every girl look pretty in wedding gown regardlessly of how fat or ugly they are on normal days. every bride is made to be stunning no matter how unattractive they were.

but nikko's already pretty without the gown.. but that day, extra beautiful.


waiting for her knight in shining armour.

nikko's parents putting on the veil.

and the knight came..

wedding dinner was held at a chinese restaurant in Ampang. food was okay.. didn't drink tho..

with pekyee.

he gained a lot of weight.


been doing a lot of thinking lately..

i get emotional attack very often lately too..

i think i think too much.

Friday, November 03, 2006

the boredom

his present is still with me. i wonder when can i complete it and send it to him. it's supposed to be last year's bday present. ugh... i'll try to complete it and send it as this year's christmas present.
nothing much interesting happened lately. just the normal routine. getting up early, going to work, waiting to go home, eat, watch some drama, sleep... and repeat the whole routine the next day...
trying hard to lose weight lately.
but nothing seems to be working..
i felt so ugly and fat lately.
felt really ugly.
felt more unattractive than usual.
i don't want to write anymore.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

the dinner. farewell. party. mooncake.

i went for dinner at tgi friday's last saturday. it's our office's gathering + heather's (our temp director from london) farewell + nesa's birthday party.
everybody were there except pam, she went back to penang.
we had a three course meal and the appetizer itself was really very, vey, VERY big portion and i was half full when i finished the buffalo chicken strips.
dy, abby and heather

norin, sally, dy and abby

this is the cajun shrimp pasta that i had.

the pasta was good. but too bad, it started to get oily by the time i have time to eat. the shrimp was really fresh too. i ate all the shrimp and left more than half of the pasta there. was busy checking the list of who's eating what and who's drinking what.

my favourite double choc fudgy brownie!!!!!!!!!!!

pig-out session...... warghhh!!!!!!!!!!

after dessert, we made the birthday girl to stand on the bar, but because the roof is too low, she had to sit instead.. ヾ(@^▽^@)ノ わはは

every birthday girl have to get dirty... and nesa is no exceptional... *tee hee*

and that's what close friends are for!!!

sitting on the bar is not enough.... we made her down a Lamborghini.. (^.^)v

after we took loads of photos with heather, she pay the bill, and we head home...

the best director next to miss may.

we'll really miss her..


i called Li Yen Restaurant @ The Ritz-Carlton KL to reserve a box of mooncake... and guess what?? they sold all, i repeat, ALL the mooncakes that i wanted to order!!!!

(,,#゚Д゚):∴;'・,;`:ゴルァ!! they only have durian flavor and moet & chandon champagne with yellow lotus paste flavor left..... Σ(゚Д゚)

how can they be so cruel????!? ugh... i had to take the latter.. no choice... i don't like durian flavored food except for durian ice-cream and dodol... and one box of mooncake costs me RM 55!!! and they only give 10% discount for employees! how can??? Renaissance is giving us 30% doscount on all the mooncakes.... Σ( ̄ε ̄;・・・

so i have to go and take it today before everything is sell out again..

Friday, September 29, 2006

the ride.

there's this one fine day, i went to work by lrt...
and i took a cab to the lrt station cos nobody's free to send me there.. so i stopped a cab.......

i told the uncle where to drop me off and i stepped in and shut the door.

then, when i lift my head, i saw something very ... weird.... something not so right... i saw something that's not supposed to be in any vehicle.....

i do watch "pimp my ride" once in a while and the way the modifiy those cars... it's extreme... and guess what? i can't believe that i get to see a taxi's interior a la "pimp my ride"....

i saw this!!!

How can this be in any moving vehicle???!?
it's so fucking dangerous ballz!! if there's accident happens, imagine where those steel goes?? or, what if the seat got loose? it's so damn dangerous ok?
i wonder why he put that in?
trying to pimp his ride???

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

the trip.

went to penang for a short trip last weekend. waking up at 5.30a.m and dragging myself out of the bed in a weekend morning isn't fun at all. but when you think about the things that you can do at trips, ie: long highway rides (i love highway rides!!), sleeping cosily in the front seat with nice music (no need to drive!), and most importantly, you get to EAT (no diet plans that needs to be followed during trips). yay! going out from the house early morning is not so bad. as we reached Ipoh around er... i think it's 10a.m. we went to look for the ever famous dim sum in town. the restaurant is called Foo San. it's a bit old school type of restaurant where their waitresses still wears checkers uniform with a hankerchief-attached-hairband. they looked cute.

the food there, absolutely delicious!!!! i gave all thumbs up! the "siew mai" is yummy, no prawn smell and funny pork smell. super fresh! the "ha gao", i tell you... it has three prawns,50-cents big, in each "ha gao".

steam pork rib at kl dim sum will never be the same again.
we went to Gurney Drive at night for supper. look what they found!!!!!!!!

sibeh crunchy fried chicken skin!!!!!!!!

KFC spicy chicken with crunchy skin also kalah! KFC will never taste good again.. this chicken skin.. is purely just chicken skin. and when you bite the skin, it's so crunchy that it almost melt in the mouth....

of course, nobody goes to Penang without stuffing themselves with at least two bowl of the infamous scrumptious asam laksa.

yummy asam laksa!

as we reached the hotel, it's only 12p.m. we requested for early check in but unfortunately, they can only give us (dyming and seanmoon) rooms on level 9 and they only have two bedded rooms left.

we checked in anyway.

moved the bed together and make it like it's king sized bed.

we changed into our beach attire and head to the beach and joined the rest.

it was a hot saturday. but very strong wind. perfect time to get a tan.

i put sunblocks on my face, my hands and my neck. i just want to tan my legs, back and my body. but half way through my nice sleep, it rained. we have to go in and wait for it to stop.

it didn't rained long enough tho. maybe around ten minutes and the sun is up again. and we're back to our sunbeds and trying hard to get a nice tan.

watched the guys fly kites. and i tried balancing it tho.. it's nice... very nice feeling.

didn't really stayed long enough to get tanned tho. it drizzle and stop and it's annoying. so we decided to dip ourselves in the seawater to cool down.

we played frisbee, fly kites, the guys played volley ball, and made some sand castle. we buried gary in the sand too!

chilling out with ming after the short rain.

with pekyee waiting for the rain to stop.

after long hours at beach (not to mention that i didn't get any tan), suddenly ming found out that the room key's missing. he put it in his pocket and maybe it dropped in the sea. we report about the missing key to the manager and luckily we only have to pay 30 bucks for it. the manager replaced our room. we get one floor higher. exactly the same room, but one floor up. phew~ lucky that we don't have to pay the missing-key's room. after we moved our stuff to the new room, we head back to the beach for second round of dipping.

went to batu ferringhi for dinner at those hawkers center. food there was so-so. prawn mee was nice. and homemade fried spring roll was unique in flavor. yummy too!

went to Kek Lok Si temple for prayers and lit up a candle. things are almost still the same since the last time i've been there, which is almost 5 years.

ming, gary, lun and donald posing with thier chinese zodiac sign, the Goat.

as for me, it's the cow....

here's one photo of everybody at the Bronze Buddha at the top of Kek Lok Si temple.

it was a wonderful trip.

my first road trip with ming.

totally worth it.

but totally broke.

we're planning our next trip already. PD, Phuket or Bali maybe? hehee....

Monday, September 11, 2006

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

the mtv.

joe is going to Australia soon...

to find his love.

i hope everything will be alright when they meet.

i know how it feels to have a partner so far away and not knowing exactly what will happen to each other.

i know how it's like not having our partner beside us whenever we need a shoulder to cry on, to hug us when we feel cold, to pamper us when we are not well..

i know how it's like, to be attached yet you feel lonely.

i know how it's like to pray for the same prayer and wish the same wishes every night before bed.

it hurts a lot.

it hurts but you can't do anything about it.

it's sad that you can't blame anyone but the situation.

i'm sure things will be lot difference if our partner is right by our side.

i wish joe all the best.

everything will be fine soon.

it will be.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

the happy one.

i wanted to write.

there's quite a lot of things in my mind now.. but i don't know why i just can't seem to put it in words.

i told ming that i can't write lately.

you know what he said??


"because last time you lonely ma.. got so much time... and you always not happy.. that's why can write.. now you cannot write because you're not alone.. plus, now so happy... *grin*"


last time i very pathetic meh? nothing to do beside blogging meh?? i don't have him very lonely meh? ceh...


but he's a bit right.

not about the lonely part..

about the writing part..

i can write when i'm unhappy. when i'm angry. when i'm emotional..

he's right.

i'm happy now.

i don't really how to express happiness in words.

i'm happy now because everything seems to be great.

let's see why...

1. i have a fulltime job.. (though i didn't finish my studies in college..)

2. i have more freedom compared to last year.. (though i still have to inform daddy if i'm not going home..)

3. i still have my best friends..(though i hardly ever see them nowadays..)

4. i have ming with me everyday.. (though he never fail to tell me how fat i am every possible chances that he have..)

5. i can eat choki-choki when i'm working!!! (though sometimes, i also eat mcD sundae, nasi lemak, kuey tiao goreng, halls honey lemon flavor, mamak's cendol, etc...)

6. i have time to watch anime.... ~_~ (though sometimes, i also watch porn...)

isn't that enough to make me a happy one?? ^O^


Thursday, August 03, 2006

i wrote an entry today.

and suddenly i have to close the internet explorer due to some error.


no mood to write again.

shall continue tmr.


Wednesday, August 02, 2006

the continued story.

ok.. back to the story...

where was i...? hmm...

oh.. i was saying that i was so wrong...

yes. i was wrong.

i realised that if you truly love someone, tears will flow easily.

i've always thought that nobody can replace harvey.

until i met ming.

no. i'm not saying this just to make anyone feel better. i'm really saying what i felt.

from the first time i met ming for teh tarik, i knew he'll only make me laugh.

he did.

before we're officially together....

whenever i get his text message, i grin..

whenever i hop in his car for a ride to the lrt for work, i grin..

whenever we meet for dinner/supper/yamcha sessions, also grin.


whenever we talk, no matter what topic, there's only smiles, grins, and laughters.

whenever i'm with him, i'm happy.

i forget.

i forget about how painful it was to stay alone in KL while harvey is away.

i forget about how difficult it was to have boyfriend ten thousand miles away, not knowing when we're going to meet again.

i forget about how hurtful it was when i made the decision to let go a truly beautiful love just like that.

yes... i forget how sad i was whenever i get ming's text / get a call from ming / meet him up for dinner.

he is the person who made me forget about all that miserable thing for a while.

that's why i like seeing him.

that's why i like talking to him.

he's capable to make me smile throughout our outing, from the moment i see him until the moment he sent me home.

that's ming.

*to be continued