Monday, January 29, 2007

Ken Vin's Wedding Dinner.

Ken Vin is Ming's school friend. They knew each other for ... I think more than 10 years. He tied the knot last two weeks and the wedding dinner was held at Shangri-La Hotel. Think there's around 95 tables. Damn a lot of people. Damn rich. Both of the groom and bride.

Anyway, I'm very lazy to blog now and there's so many photos so upload and I'm just too lazy to upload all of it. Hmm.. I wrote a post just now and I'm just too lazy to read it all over again and edit it cos it's just too long and it's purely bitching session. I'll post it later.. Damn lazy.. So I'll just post up some photos of the wedding dinner randomly and go back to my work. Oh, maybe I'll continue bitching bout other things if I'm in the mood later..

must take picture upon arrival...

this is the dessert. hazelnut chocolate something. shiokalingam!

bride and groom ready to cut the cake. damn huge cake. 6 tiers.

changed to traditional weding clothes.

joyce and gary.
(that's lotus leaf wrap glutinous rice on the plates.. delicious!)

ming and dy.

siew ling and loon.

dy, joe and fen.

kenny and pekyee.

girls in black.

girls in grey.
(notice the ciggi and the ashtray their holding? oh, i'm holding a ciggi too in the pic above!)



yours truly.
Stomach cramp.
Oh, I'll post up the phots of those siu long bao soon.
Damn lazy lar!
p/s- Pookyma, see I'm so nice... I update right atfter I saw your comment! Got present ah?

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Still sick..

I still have photos that I wanted to post up here but have no time to do so cos the photos are in ming's pc. Too lazy when I reached home everyday. Have to take care of Alfie.. Have to take afternoon nap cos I'm working at 6a.m this whole week. Anyway, went to eat Siu Lung Bao at Shanghai 10 few weeks ago with Ming and friends.. will post the pictures when I'm feeling better.


Thursday, January 18, 2007


Sick today.

Flu virus caught from my sister yesterday! Ceh.. So long didn't see her, once see her, get flu.. Tiu..

Not only flu.. sore throat and fever as well.. Well, C told me to take MC tomorrow. Told her if i'm okay by tonight, I'll come to work tomorrow. But then again, I kinda hoped that I can get an MC tomorrow.. =P

Started sneezing non-stop when Debb reaches home yesterday night. So I went back to Ming's place and continue sneezing miserably. It's so hard to breathe and everytime I do so, my nose hurts. So I took those runny nose pills that I kept from the last time I went to see the doctor. Supposed to take one pill, but then I took two. Fell dead asleep after ten minutes until this morning. Ahh....! The power of pills.....

I forgot to bring any medicine to work and now, my head hurts and my nose blocked and my eyes are itchy. Is that a sign if sinus? Hopefully not!!

I SOOOOOO need a 24-hours' sleep!!!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Sei Puk Gai.

Today, I want to talk about a male colleague who is a puk gai zai.

His current girlfriend, let's call her C, happens to sit behind me. Yes. He hitted on her the second month we start working.

At first, when he's hitting on her, he's all caring and gentle. But after a while, he became like a piece of shit.

Yes. He's not good looking. Ok, let's not talk about looks cos we can't judge a book by it's cover, right? Let's talk about his personality... He talk with his mouth closed. Well, almost closed and he sounded very funny. When people talk to him, he don't look at people in the eyes. Also, seems like everytime he talks to people, he hunch his back and touches his nose (wth??). Very uncomfortable if you talk to him the first time. Really!

He's very calculative. When I say calculative, it's money wise and workload wise. C used to make/buy lunch for him everytime she have time. In which, he never say "thank you" nor pay her back. Like it's her duty to do that. (ceh!!) He, on the other hand, NEVER offers to buy her breakfast/lunch everytime he buy his. (fucking selfish can!) At least ask la.. After a while, C don't make/buy for him anymore. He can ask C, "Why lately never make/buy lunch for me geh?" LIKE THAT PERSON ALSO HAVE!!!! You never say thank you or make any gesture to buy lunch for your gf, still wanna ask like that! Pui! When C gets angry and tell him, the next week, everyday he buy breakfast, after that, back to square one.

C and I always talk to each other when there's not much call. She often tells me about what happens between them or what they always argue about, etc. So there's this one time, C said that she wants to eat dim sum. He told her that he don't have much money, so C told him that it's ok, she'll buy. So they went and C told me that he ate quite a lot. Never mind, since that guys natturally eats more than girls, and since he's her bf. After few months, C wants to eat dim sum again. This time, he said he'll buy. So they went and had dim sum. After meal, C asks for bill. The waiter came and he just sits there and didn't make any move. To avoid any embarrassment, C pulls out her wallet and paid. WAH!!!! Like THAT also can!!! Does he knows how to spell shame?? Tsk.. Tsk... First, he said he'll buy, but when bill came, he made no gesture to pay!! (,,#゚Д゚):∴;'・,;`:ゴルァ!! It turns out that before they went for dim sum, C checked his wallet and found out that he actually have no money for dim sum.

C told me that they don't really go out cos she doesn't want him to spend so much. And also, almost everytime they go out, if she's buying, they go for average places like Kim Gary. If he's buying, normally will automatically be mamak stall.


Sometimes if they go out, only C eats and he just drink, he make no gesture to pay the bill at all. Saying that he didn't eat so he don't pay.

Double WAH!!!!

Some more when they argue, he told C that he always pay for their food. Meh hai? C told me it's always mamak, or from economic rice. Where as C, almost everyday cook or buy for him. Not cheap you know..

Also another time, C bought a drink from Coffee Bean. She drank a bit, not even quarter of that, and he took and drink. Like he never drink Coffee bean drink before.. After a while, C feels thristy and wants to drink... She asked for her drink back and guess what he said? "Drink finish already."

Σ( ̄ε ̄;・・・

Didn't even ask her whether she still wants to drink or not!! Double tsk tsk!

Ok. Let's talk about work.

Our job is not hard. Just sit here and wait for phone call. And now, we have one runner everyday to arrange transfer for guest, reply emails and etc. So the yesterday, it's his turn to become the runner. Basically, a runner have nothing much to do compared to us cos we have to answer call, runner no need. Just sit there, emailing and faxing and calling hotel. So I have a guest who's arriving in few hours time and needed airport transfers. I passed it to him to contact the hotel and it's clearly written in the request form the flight number and the arrival time. After few hours, I got a call from travel agent saying that the transfer confirmation that she received from him is wrongly done. The time and flight number was wrong!! Luckily she called that hotel and it turns out, puk gai zai called the hotel and informed the correct time, just that when he send the confirmation to the travel agent, he wrote it wrongly.

I got scolded for no apparent reason!

Some more can complain to C that we (everybody) "used" him to the max to do emailing and faxing. So today, he wants to "use" the runner of the day to the max also. WTH??? It's the runner's duty to arrange all the transfer and email. We didn't ask him to do a lot!! C told him that it's not reasonable to make such mistakes cos he's not busy at all, since she saw him still have time to instant messaging and playing online games.. And what he replied? "Laugh all you can."


C didn't even laugh at him for his stupid mistake! She was just telling the truth! Simple mistake like this shouldn't happen at all cos he's not busy taking calls. It's different story if he's busy making reservations like us, taking non-stop calls and have no time to really sit quietly and send 100% accurately emails to urgent guests.

Wah! If MY boyfriend is like this, I'll kick him out of this damn building from 14th floor!

Oh, btw, C is actually two timing him. C went back to his ex bf after a while she's with this puk gai zai and neither of them knows about this. I asked C why still want this puk gai zai, she said they're working together and she don't want to become his pain-in-the-ass. If i were her, I'll let him suffer, I don't care and work is work, don't bring personal issue to work.

I'll never date a guy who can't differenciate personal issue and work. I'll never date a guy who is so siu hei also.

I felt blessed after looking at them. I didn't mean to brag. But I think Ming is WAY better. At least I don't mind buying him lunch cos I know he'll say "thank you" even if he don't pay me back. At least he don't say he'll buy me lunch and pretend dunno when the waiter come to settle bill. At least he pay my phone bill. At least he don't drink up my favourite drink without asking!!

Guy like this puk gai zai's attitude, you see before or not?

Monday, January 15, 2007

The Pup And The Party.

Finally! I got the pup on Friday night. Supposedly planned to see him on Saturday, but due to my overexcitement, I went there on Friday night, right after I finish work.

So, I went to Taman Pertama in Cheras with Ming to see him. The moment we went in, we heard a lot of dogs barking.. Alfie (that's what Ming named him), his brother and his parents and also another HUGE boxer mix dunnowhat breed dog, barking excitedly. Alfie's brother, though born on the same date, is slightly fatter and taller than him. But Ms. Look, the breeder, said that Alfie eats more and more playful than his bro. The bro, because it's only 3months old, still likes to eat and sleep. Their birth was actually an accident. Ms. Look said they put his parent at the pets care centre while they're on holiday for few days and unknowingly, they mated. They don't really want mix breed. She had 6pups and Alfie was the last one to be sold. She kept one herself and sold one. Others were given to her relatives.

Alfie's daddy is a Silky Terrier. They named him Xiao Xiong (It means "hero" in Chinese).I didn't snap a photo of his parents cos I'm too busy talking to Ms. Look and scrutinizing Alfie..
Xiao Xiong is very shy. According to it's owner, he only gets excited when he saw girls/women. He don't like guys/men. He's almost 2 years old and it's coat is very shiny. White colored cos they bleached him... While Alfie's mother, Emily, she's a Shih Tsu. Black and white coat. Very active compared to Xiao Xiong. She's playful and very cute!! They shaved her coat though. Which made her looked like a teddy bear.

Now, I wanna talk about Alfie... At first, I wanted to name him ashBoy. But Ming said after a while, sure everybody call him Ah Boy. So ashBoy is out. Then I wanted to name him Snoozer. But it sounds weird. So again, out. Then Ming suggested Alfie. (Because we just watched the movie titled "Alfie" the night before and he thought the name sounds nice). Then we settled for Alfie. But then again, I thought of naming him Coca (next time buy one more female dog name Cola). But sounds so female-ish. Debb suggested Mr. T, which stands for Trouble. At first, I thought Trouble sounds cute.. but Ming said if wanna name him Trouble, better don't raise him.. (Ceh!). So we still go for Alfie.. (Ming's elder bro starts calling him Fifi now.. -_-")

First photo that I took in the car on the way home.

See? Cute right?? He just sits there and let me take his picture..
Oh, when we reached home, Eldorado (my Dad's friend, Uncle Sherman's Cocker Spaniel), who Uncle Sherman had for 7 years, now staying with us, starts to get all nervous the moment I brought Alfie in the living room. He walked and walked and looked very nervous and starts barking when I took the cage once belong to him out. Uncle Sherman said that I could use his cage to train Alfie. But Ah Boy (that's what we normally call him) barked in resentment. When Uncle Sherman held Alfie and say, "Look, you got new friend... it's a baby...", I swear, Ah Boy's eyes were wet! He looked so very sad!!! It's very cute! Like a baby crying for attention and he's indeed very manja. So everybody have to sayang him to make him feel that we still love him despite the presence of his new mate.

This is Eldorado.
Back to Alfie, he's very manja also. He likes me to feed the biscuits one by one rather than he eats himself. He also sleeps a lot and very quiet. Well, at least for the first few days, they said he'll be quiet cos it's new environment. He barks when he need to go pee/shit. This is very easy for me cos I know when I have to take him out. He likes to play with Ah Girl. But Ah Girl is very scared of him. Don't ask why. I also wanna know... Everytime he wants to play with Ah Girl, sure she run for her life... As for Eldorado, they don't play. We (me and Ming) made a conclusion that Eldorado drew a line between them from the first day they met. Damn snobbish can! He don't even look at Alfie! Tsk.. Tsk... Talk about rivalry..
Alfie knows how to jump when I ask him to.. But he don't know how to "hand" yet. He likes to play chasing after every meal/pee/shit. Maybe because he feels happier after meal/pee/shit.
Okay. That's all for Alfie today. Let's talk about last two weeks routine...
Clubbing at The Loft with Pekyee and her friends.

From left: Morgan, Rafael, (I think it's Susan), Dy, Orlando Bloom lookalike, iforgothisname.

He's Pekyee's close friend.

Rafael. Nice and significant name. Pretty too. hehe.

dy and pekyee.

Hhe claims that he doesn't look good in photos.

He really looked like Orlando. But way shorter.
Party once in a while is great. But then again, not so great when you're being accused of influencing your friend to do bad things like... aiya.. bad things la... by your friend's boyfriend. ceh! pui! Don't know how to control girlfriend don't say I influence, OK?? I HARDLY ever go out with her and everytime go out also he's there. Mahai! Say me influence people.. Tiu! If she's so easy to influence and listen to ME, I think there shouldn't be any arguments and problems between them anymore! Tiuniasing!
Always say good things of him in front of her.. No fucking use one! KNNTNSLJPHKC!

Friday, January 12, 2007


At my workplace, there's this colleague who ranked in the top 3 conversion-sales almost every month.

Yesterday, I walked pass her desk and I heard her talking to a caller..

"Which hotel that you prefer? We have Austin North and Austin South." What she said alarmed me...

"Austin South."

Being a busybody as I am, I walked closer to her screen to see where is that place.

The caller said something and she repeatedly said "Austin South" cos the caller doesn't seemed to understand where's the place that she told him.

Then I just walked off after a few times she repeated the same thing...

She actually pronounced the word "south" like "sought".

Need I say more?

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Wah! Guest what??

Hehehe... I told daddy that I really wanted the pup... Showed him the photos and he said ok!!

Wahahahahhaaahaharrr...!! At last! My hope come true! Ekekekee...

So I'll be going to the owner's place with Ming this Saturday to have a look at the condition of the pup... Hopefully nothing's wrong with it. *keeps my fingers crossed*

What shall we name him??? *evil grin*

Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Ming said no place to have a puppy.

Nobody take care of him when we go work.

Nobody free to toilet train him.

I said got place, can go back my place on weedays and weekend back to his.

Got.... My maid? My daddy? When we go work can send him there.

Toilet training ar? Ah Girl can teach him ma!!! (Ah Girl is Ming's old OLD bitch).


It's super cheap! And I have to let it go... Kerr...

Don't care...
Have to get it no matter what...

Someone tell me how..

Monday, January 08, 2007


Guess what??!?? I saw an advertisement online, there's this couple, they're selling their silky+shih tzu puppies (approx. 2 months) at RM280!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At first, I thought I saw it wrongly, so I text her and ask, she said it's really RM280.00!!!! She got one male and one female, but only left the male, which is what I wanted!!!!!!!!!! I seriously HAVE to get that!!!

Have You Ever?

Have you ever had a relationship where at certain point of the time when you're together, you feel like giving up and letting go everything that you built?

When all of a sudden you don't feel all important to each other anymore?

When you feel like all you want is to be left out and lonely?

When you suddenly missed being single and the times when you don't have any commitments?

When you think that the relationship is not going like how you've been wanting it to be?

When everything seems to be so confusing and nothing sounds right?

Have you ever fell in love with a person whom you know will hurt you?

Have you ever fell in love with a person you're hurting?

Have you ever fell in love with a person who doesn't love you like you do?

Have you ever fell in love with a person you shouldn't fall for?

Have you ever let go a person just because you love him too much?

Because I did.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

If I Have A Chance.

I woke up today feeling a pang in my heart.
There's a sense of familarity in what I felt.
A feeling that words can't describe clearly.

I felt like I went back to a few years back. When everything seemed to be so nice. Those days, I used to feel things differently. Coming back to think about what happened, it felt so fake. But it's an unforgetable memory of my life. A wonderful story.
I miss those days when waking up in the morning for college is not a trouble. When going for work at Starbucks is a happy routine. When eating lotsa meals in a day is a must. When being accompanied before I dozed off is a special treatment.
I felt lost when everything was taken away from me all in one day.
I felt miserable.
I felt empty all at once.
Nothing seems to be alright then.
Everything seems like a dream.
Until now, I don't feel right. Not always. Sometimes, when I'm alone and started thinking a bit, I felt regretful of what happened. I felt hurtful and betrayed. Not by anyone. By myself.
If I have another chance to do things differently..
If I have a chance to say things clearly..
If I have a chance..

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

I Need House.

Superb lazy to blog today.

Very busy.

Very tulan.

My clothes still in the car.. I want to sent to laundry the other day and I forgot! As a result? Have to wear skirt to work today. Damn.

I need a new working bag.

I need a new pumps.

I need a new wallet.

I need a new job environment!

I need a new mattress/bed.

I need new hairsyle - planned to curl it but daddy say don't do anything to my hair.

I need a new set of wardrobe..!.

I need so many new things!

I need those plastic drawers/box to put my clothes and undies which is over flowing and taking up ming's space as well.

I SO need a new lifestyle.

Oh, I also need a new body..

Friday, December 29, 2006

It's Pay Day last two days.

The happiest day of every month end. Also the heart-aching day because:-

-have to give household money to Daddy.
-have to pay never-ending outstanding amount of phone bill.
-have to pay for trust find.
-have to stock-up monthly girly groceries like this, this and this. Also this.
-because it's December, have to buy Christmas pressie for a lot of ppl.
-because I'm a girl, I can't resist getting at least a new pair of shoe every month.


So I'm happy only for the first few days cos I have to see the amount of $$ in the bank account increased one day and start decreasing daily after that.

I seriously have to do some financial planning next month onwards.

Office is extremely busy for the past two days because of the internet problem. We have to fax everything to everyone, the hotels, the customers, back to back. Tons of arriving details to be faxed to hotel hourly. So little time, so little people working, so many calls, so many shits to follow up for those who's on leave, so many yucky customers who make last-minute reservations and complains like mad dogs when the rates are too high for their budget or the hotel is fully committed. Ugh! Like it's our fault when there's no more rooms or the rates are high for them!!? Herh! Last-minute reservation some more wanna talk so loud and stupid.
Hmm.. Lately, there's this new Associates Handbook been passed to everyone and we have to sign a copy to show them that we've read it and agree with it and will abide the rule. Here's a number of funny things..
Major Offense
- Sleeping while on duty.
- Indulging in gossip or prying into the private affairs of fellow associate.
Minor Offense
- Eating at your work area.
- Littering.
- Loitering in the office when off duty or on leave.
Female Associates
- Makeup is a must. It should be appropriate for work ssetting, natural and tasteful (??). High glowing, very pale (???), extreme dark or frosted colors are not permitted. Other cosmetic should compliment your dress code and skin tone (wth?).
Male Associates
- Makeup are not allowed. (hahahaaa!!!)
Above is the things that they force encourage us to do or not to do to maintain the standard of the office.
1.) I normally go to work bareface. (paint me like monkey-la, stupid...!) i lazy ma...
2.) I usually take my breakfast at my work area. no time to eat before work...
3.) I ALWAYS sleep while on duty. only when big boss is not around-la...
4.) Gossip. who can resist?
5.) I pernah come early and stayed back and lepak in the office while doing work. we didn't ask for OT for extra work, stay a while also considered as an offense? ceh!
I did some major and minor offense and didn't follow dress code and didn't makeup...
I wonder when will they fire me.

Internet is Back!

I was checking my mail and got to know that my sister got a new blog. Since we don't see each other so often, I try to visit her Friendster page, and her blog as often as I can to catch up with her. And so does she. Cos this year, before christmas, I went out with her and she told me that she got me a Christmas present and I sure will like it... I was wondering what she bought cos we don't hang out so much, how she knows what I like? Because both of us is busy, we still haven't exchange pressie yet. I'm still wondering what she'll buy me... Until I read her blog just now.... She bought THIS. Wow!

She actually DO read my blog! hahaha!!! I'm so happy now... I'm gonna link her at my page..

I don't mind if it's not original Juicy Couture. As long as she still remember to ger her ever lovely sister something for Christmas! She actually gave cash to our baby brother and before I get to say ,"Me-leh?" she told me she got surprise for me... Heheee.....

I got her something too... It's a surprise. But I'm sure she'll love it!!

Reserved dinner for 6 at TEMPTationS on this Saturday night.. Hopefully everybody can make it. Especially my fei gei queen dai gar jeh and jeh fu...
I miss mommy!

Friday, December 22, 2006


Last week, I went for my first pedicure for this year. Yes. FIRST for this year. So long didn't pamper myself already...

This place owns by my father's friend. Nearby his shop. It's a very small place on the 2nd floor of the shoplot building. Not many customers and we have to make appointment with their reflexlogist, beautician or manicurist before we drop by.

So I finally went for the pedicure that I've been missing for a year.

*scrapping off my cuticles*
Yuki: How often you do pedicure?
dy: Wah... very very VERY long time already. Got a lot of sei pei hor? (malu)
Yuki: Yalor. Do more often then will be okay.
*soaking in the hot water*

*massaging my pig leg*
dy: How often do I need to do pedicure? To maintain it la..
Yuki: For manicure, normally once every fortnight. Pedicure ah.. See lor, some people two weeks once, some three weeks. Depends on your needs.

*putting on nail polish*

*waiting for it to dry*
took quite long time to dry off tho.

tada! newly pedicured feet! at last...

close up photo.
Kinda picked the wrong color tho. It doesn't look like that in dim light at that place... Looks more natural when I saw in the shop.
La~ La~ La~
Yuki gave me a card, special promotion card, she said, with this card, I can do reflex at only RM18. Pedicure + Hand Buffing at RM38. Facial at RM38. Foot Spa at RM88. And Body Scrub at RM88 (I think). She told me only the card holder and anyone he/she brings can enjoy the same rate also.. Hehe... Now, I'm looking for victim to accompany me for reflex and pedicure!!

Ker!!!! bored!!!