Today, I want to talk about a male colleague who is a puk gai zai.
His current girlfriend, let's call her C, happens to sit behind me. Yes. He hitted on her the second month we start working.
At first, when he's hitting on her, he's all caring and gentle. But after a while, he became like a piece of shit.
Yes. He's not good looking. Ok, let's not talk about looks cos we can't judge a book by it's cover, right? Let's talk about his personality... He talk with his mouth closed. Well, almost closed and he sounded very funny. When people talk to him, he don't look at people in the eyes. Also, seems like everytime he talks to people, he hunch his back and touches his nose (wth??). Very uncomfortable if you talk to him the first time. Really!
He's very calculative. When I say calculative, it's money wise and workload wise. C used to make/buy lunch for him everytime she have time. In which, he never say "thank you" nor pay her back. Like it's her duty to do that. (ceh!!) He, on the other hand, NEVER offers to buy her breakfast/lunch everytime he buy his. (fucking selfish can!) At least ask la.. After a while, C don't make/buy for him anymore. He can ask C, "Why lately never make/buy lunch for me geh?" LIKE THAT PERSON ALSO HAVE!!!! You never say thank you or make any gesture to buy lunch for your gf, still wanna ask like that! Pui! When C gets angry and tell him, the next week, everyday he buy breakfast, after that, back to square one.
C and I always talk to each other when there's not much call. She often tells me about what happens between them or what they always argue about, etc. So there's this one time, C said that she wants to eat dim sum. He told her that he don't have much money, so C told him that it's ok, she'll buy. So they went and C told me that he ate quite a lot. Never mind, since that guys natturally eats more than girls, and since he's her bf. After few months, C wants to eat dim sum again. This time, he said he'll buy. So they went and had dim sum. After meal, C asks for bill. The waiter came and he just sits there and didn't make any move. To avoid any embarrassment, C pulls out her wallet and paid. WAH!!!! Like THAT also can!!! Does he knows how to spell shame?? Tsk.. Tsk... First, he said he'll buy, but when bill came, he made no gesture to pay!! (,,#゚Д゚):∴;'・,;`:ゴルァ!! It turns out that before they went for dim sum, C checked his wallet and found out that he actually have no money for dim sum.
C told me that they don't really go out cos she doesn't want him to spend so much. And also, almost everytime they go out, if she's buying, they go for average places like Kim Gary. If he's buying, normally will automatically be mamak stall.
Sometimes if they go out, only C eats and he just drink, he make no gesture to pay the bill at all. Saying that he didn't eat so he don't pay.
Double WAH!!!!
Some more when they argue, he told C that he always pay for their food. Meh hai? C told me it's always mamak, or from economic rice. Where as C, almost everyday cook or buy for him. Not cheap you know..
Also another time, C bought a drink from Coffee Bean. She drank a bit, not even quarter of that, and he took and drink. Like he never drink Coffee bean drink before.. After a while, C feels thristy and wants to drink... She asked for her drink back and guess what he said? "Drink finish already."
Σ( ̄ε ̄;・・・
Didn't even ask her whether she still wants to drink or not!! Double tsk tsk!
Ok. Let's talk about work.
Our job is not hard. Just sit here and wait for phone call. And now, we have one runner everyday to arrange transfer for guest, reply emails and etc. So the yesterday, it's his turn to become the runner. Basically, a runner have nothing much to do compared to us cos we have to answer call, runner no need. Just sit there, emailing and faxing and calling hotel. So I have a guest who's arriving in few hours time and needed airport transfers. I passed it to him to contact the hotel and it's clearly written in the request form the flight number and the arrival time. After few hours, I got a call from travel agent saying that the transfer confirmation that she received from him is wrongly done. The time and flight number was wrong!! Luckily she called that hotel and it turns out, puk gai zai called the hotel and informed the correct time, just that when he send the confirmation to the travel agent, he wrote it wrongly.
I got scolded for no apparent reason!
Some more can complain to C that we (everybody) "used" him to the max to do emailing and faxing. So today, he wants to "use" the runner of the day to the max also. WTH??? It's the runner's duty to arrange all the transfer and email. We didn't ask him to do a lot!! C told him that it's not reasonable to make such mistakes cos he's not busy at all, since she saw him still have time to instant messaging and playing online games.. And what he replied? "Laugh all you can."
C didn't even laugh at him for his stupid mistake! She was just telling the truth! Simple mistake like this shouldn't happen at all cos he's not busy taking calls. It's different story if he's busy making reservations like us, taking non-stop calls and have no time to really sit quietly and send 100% accurately emails to urgent guests.
Wah! If MY boyfriend is like this, I'll kick him out of this damn building from 14th floor!
Oh, btw, C is actually two timing him. C went back to his ex bf after a while she's with this puk gai zai and neither of them knows about this. I asked C why still want this puk gai zai, she said they're working together and she don't want to become his pain-in-the-ass. If i were her, I'll let him suffer, I don't care and work is work, don't bring personal issue to work.
I'll never date a guy who can't differenciate personal issue and work. I'll never date a guy who is so siu hei also.
I felt blessed after looking at them. I didn't mean to brag. But I think Ming is WAY better. At least I don't mind buying him lunch cos I know he'll say "thank you" even if he don't pay me back. At least he don't say he'll buy me lunch and pretend dunno when the waiter come to settle bill. At least he pay my phone bill. At least he don't drink up my favourite drink without asking!!
Guy like this puk gai zai's attitude, you see before or not?