Monday, August 17, 2009

I'm 24...

…and jobless again. 

This year is a roller coaster ride for me. So many things happened and it scares me a little when things happened beyond my control.

At first, it feels really weird and fear was the first response to the series of (unfortunate) events that took place without a warning (well, sometimes with warning, just that I overlooked). But when I really thought about everything that happened, it reflects how my mind works. And how my bad habit affects (some) decisions that I’ve made.

I’ve never really regret doing things that I’ve done which leads to some problems that are unfavorable to me. What really make me sad are the things that people will do and say whenever I faced problems. And what actually people WILL do to benefit themselves. Seriously, some people will just do whatever it takes to get rid of something when they feel threaten with something they thought dangerous when the actual fact is, it meant no harm at all. And they harm others with their actions, knowingly or unknowingly, I digress. 

It makes me more careful of whatever I do or say when I deal with this kind of people. But even I take precaution steps; I still fall into their trap and became a victim of their evil doings. I’ll just take it as bad luck and go on with whatever left of me. Plus, I still believe in karma.

Perhaps these series of (unfortunate) events came haunting me due to the things that I’ve probably done (knowingly or unknowingly, I’m not sure myself) and I’m probably just paying the karma. I’m still considered lucky that nothing extremely bad happened to myself. To me, it’s really just a life lesson to learn. Lessons that I might get to tell my children in the future. Now I understand why mom always nags me. It’s always the same issues that she’s trying to let me know and always asks me to avoid. But being a teenager and a rebellious daughter, I’ve never really listen and took her advises for granted. I admit that I’m still taking her words for granted because it hasn’t really happened to me, yet, but I’ll try to, at all cost, to avoid whatever her prediction was. *fingers crossed*

So back to being jobless this time… so unpredictable and sudden that I almost broke down. But didn’t.

It’s really a long story and not many people agree with what actually happened. There are always two sides of the coin. 

Now, I’m back to the journey of looking for jobs and stressing on what to say in interviews, etc. I’ve always hated formal interviews. Especially the most asked question, “tell me about yourself”. Ugh. Hate that question cos I always found myself tongue-tied whenever I have to answer this question. But lucky for me that the last few jobs that I’ve got, I never had to answer it cos they never asks. Heh.

Ok, enough of rambling. I shall get back to job hunting. Wish me luck peeps!


adrianlee said...

I am one of those that like to ask that question "Tell me about yourself" because it shows me how well that candidate knows him/herself. But of course anyone can bullshit. :P

U should answer with ur strengths and weakness like, "I am a very organized person. I set goals for everything I do. I work well in a team but I might not get along with everyone."

Good luck!

What do you do btw?

dy said...

lol.. i totally hate that question! thanks for the tip. will definitely know what to answe next time.

worked a lot of diff jobs before. PA, PR exec, event exec.. currently looking for job in advertising agencies or online game company. see how it goes!