Wednesday, October 21, 2009


It’s raining outside. It reminds me of 5 years ago, how I used to love watching the rain, like tiny little crystals drop from the sky. I used to sit at the “patio” at KL Plaza’s Starbucks, the first job that I loved, and watch those crystals crush on the pavement of the sidewalk. The sidewalk is always busy with people. People who worked nearby. Tourists who lived next door. Girls who loves shopping. Beggars who begs for living. Child labour who sells gums and tissues. I could sit there whole day smelling the rain and watch people pass by. I loved listening to the sound of water splashing when they stepped unwillingly on the bumpy street, filled with puddles of water, running away from the rain to get some shelter. It reminds me of how I loved walking in the rain, looking up the sky and feel the raindrop on my face. It reminds me of how emotional and how predictable my mind was back then.


It reminds me of how easy it was to find happiness in the simplest things. How easy it was to compose a conversation without the fear of being judged. How everyone was a friend. How easy it was to fall in and out of love. How simple everything seems. It doesn’t feel the same anymore now. Perhaps maturity has restricted those emotions. Perhaps it was just an imagination that I chose to believe in. Perhaps it wasn’t simple at the first place. Or maybe it was the greed that is changing it all and making it all difficult.


Perhaps it was the rain that brought back those lost emotions.

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