Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Wedding Is The New Black

These few weeks have been uneventful. Except for attending a secondary school friend’s wedding, where I met a lot of secondary school friends that lost contact after SPM. Not forgetting a few teachers who taught us in Form 4 and 5 (Cik Rahimah, now Puan Rahimah, who taught us Accounting, and Puan Rosham who taught us Bahasa). Lol. It’s weird seeing them when I’m not in school uniform. Surprisingly, Puan Rahimah remembered me. I guess of course not because I’m a top student.. because it’s either I always sleep or skip her classes. Hahah! It’s good to see familiar faces again. As always, the best and sweetest memories are during secondary school days. Remembering how young we all once were. How naïve our thinking was. How mischievous and ill-behaved I was towards the teachers. Ahh.. bittersweet memories.


There’ll be two weddings on the 1st of November. An uncle from a different grandmother, another one is my close friend in college. I’m wondering which one I should attend. Hmm.. Most probably my friend’s wedding cos he invited since last year and I assured him 2 weeks ago when we’re out for dinner that I’ll definitely attend it.


Another wedding in December 6th. My beloved ex-boss. This one, die die also must go. He helped me a lot, in a way, even after I’m not working with him anymore. He’s like a friend rather than boss.


Yet another wedding in January 23rd. another close friends’ wedding.




So many weddings to attend. It’s the “in” thing right now. I wonder when it will get out of fashion. Gah!

1 comment:

Ray Titus Ong said...

it would be even worst next year as there r more wedding bells on d way!