Monday, January 31, 2011

To Friendship.

10 years since the first time we shook hands and said “hi”.

I had never imagined, that time, how that simple gesture and plain word would form a wonderful friendship throughout the years of growing up (and old).

You came along when I needed a companion the most. You were there whenever I needed a shoulder to cry on. You taught me how to be stronger. You almost never let me down.

You were not the greatest friend, but you gave me the greatest strength to move on and be who I am. You were not the best friend, but gave me the best opinions and solutions whenever I’m in trouble. You were the worst friend, and only the worst friend would give a smack right in my face and made me realize my mistakes. You were not everything a friend would ask for, but you tried giving all you can to guide me through hard times.

I will never forget the days we spent together as naïve teenagers. The good and bad times I will always remember.

What more could I ask for?

I could only wish for the best things to happen in your life.

I may not be your best-est friend, but I’m sure whatever we went through stays somewhere safe in your heart, always. Like it stays in mine.

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