Friday, June 24, 2011

Crossing Out The Checklist

I know I’ve been saying this a lot. But there is a list of things that I need to do/complete.

So called “resolution” that was made early this year on top of some regular items on my usual checklist. Haha.

I think I failed terribly.


Except maybe the “going to gym regularly” part...Oh..and the "going to Jap class regularly" part also lah…. But exam is next week and I have not been revising. *shrug* last minute is my middle name.

A pile of new books STILL in the boxes, unwrapped, untouched, unread. note to self: buy wrapper. no wonder my brain is not progressing lately. Aih. Lack of knowledge juice. Boo!

The “go home more often” part was actually a major fail lah… I admit. BUT!!! At least I got spend time with daddy also mah… right? Right? Okay… I need to stop finding excuses. But I don’t want to be independent wor. Ok ok. Be brave. Vince was right. I need to really get out of my comfort zone and brave myself for a war. If not, I’ll be forever like this. Time to set a goal and try to achieve it. Only then he can stop saying that I have 小女人 attitude problem. Yea.. I admit sometimes I’m too desperate to be a 小女人 that I forget everything else. (Aiyah.. nobody will understand this lah…. Just let me rant ok?)

Quitting cigarette is also another issue that’s been ongoing for few years. And lately, I realized that in order to speed up the quitting part, I have to sacrifice my coffee. SACRIFYING MY COFFEE is a MAJOR NO! Boo! :( I need to think of another solution. Hmm.

I’ve always mentioned that I need to be more focused.

But the more I wanted to focus, the more I go astray.

Something just gotta happen and make me lose my mind.

Something just have to happen.

Maybe my focus ring spoiled already.


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