Monday, January 03, 2011

New Year....

Same old unresolved resolution. Hah!

Let’s see what I have in mind for this year.

- To achieve my already 5-year-old plan (which is *what else* : to be thinner), by going to gym regularly and healthier diet (may the force be with me. Amitabha).

- To settle all (if not, half) the debts by first quarter (this time, is for real! I’m almost there. Pray for bonus. Amen.)

- Which leads to – finally save up for rainy days.

- Hopefully to pass N5 Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT).
- Spend more time with family.

- Finish reading all the 30+ books that I bought in 2009 and 2010.

- To be more focused.

Actually hor… most of the above are my all-time resolution that I didn’t get around materializing it. I admit that I’m such a procrastinator. And a liar. Pfft.

I sense that this year, besides being monotonous, it will be rather tough. Had a sudden fear of the unknown and uncertainties. Not sure why though. Been thinking a lot lately about many things.

Year 2010 passed too fast. Besides keeping my promise to go for Japanese class, I guess everything’s the same for me. oh.. Not forgetting, thanks to my work, I travelled to many states in Malaysia that I never step into. Also thanks to my company, I get to go Beijing for our company trip. =D not forgetting also, last year, I travelled to Bangkok for the third time, went to Gem Island, annual trip to Cameron Highlands, and went to Singapore after 5 years. This year, hopefully will get to go New Zealand, planning to go with dad. Oh.. also to Japan in year end with Smelly, if everything goes smoothly (pray to win lottery).

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