Monday, January 03, 2011

I Love Anniversary! (or not!)

another new year celebrated without Smelly.

damn stupid.

Smelly's colleague's farewell on the eve and he was supposed to join me and his friends for karaoke after dinner. mana tau they went for drinks after dinner and got stuck there and end up cannot make it to countdown with us.

not even a text saying Happy New Year AND Happy Anniversary!!! pfft.

what made me angry was when i reached home at 1.30a.m, i found him in the toilet, vomiting. and he stayed in the toilet for more than one hour before he decided that he had enough of vomiting. ugh.

pissed drunk and a pissed girlfriend. mad angry at his colleague and boss. of ALL night, why choose NYE to celebrate! grrrr.

so the next day, i made him promise to get a camera for me as an apology. *smart eh* but dilemma now cos new model coming out, maybe n April. hmm.

anyway, obligatory anniversary photo. nah!

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