Wednesday, April 27, 2005


well.. it's been almost a month i didn't write this... well... a lot of things happened this month.. i realised so many things that i didn't even noticed before.... i've discover a lot of things... good things, of course.. :)

i've finally let go a precious thing.. i mean.. it used to be precious to me... but it's not anymore.. i broke up with rahime.. and i'm happy bout it... i don't have to suffer anymore.. well, why should i hold on to someone who doesn't trust me? and take me for granted? and doesn't even appreciates me?? i finally understand the fact... i won't be happy if hold on to it... well, maybe my presence DOES bring happiness to other people.. but if i'm not happy when i'm trying hard to please other people, why still doing it, right? i've learnt a lot for the past month.. A LOT! i've learnt the meaning of true love.. i've discover that trust is really the most important thing in a relationship.. i need someone who understands me... someone who really care,not only for me, for my future as well... someone who trusts me... someone who appreciates me... not a person who take me for granted... not someone who treats me like a punch-bag...

when it's time to let go, we've got no choice but to let go.. well, letting go is one way of saying "I LOVE YOU".. heh... now, i'm so sure and certain that i'm ready to let go... they always asked me to look forward and not to hold the past to live... the past might be a sweet memory.. but if it hurts, then i must not let it haunt me... and i'm ready to look forward... to be a better person.. to be a lil wiser... to be more confident..

someone DID changed me... taught me to be more confident.. someone who loves me.. someone who appreciates me... someone who trusts me... someone who have faith in us... someone who's also not around..

i'm a happier person now.. i know what i'm doing is right for me.. i'm ready to grow up... i'm ready to turn 20... *wink*

[music on air]
uhm... something from the cd vey gave me...

[current mood]
la~ la~

[next station]

[quote of the day]
no turning back..

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