Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Mother's Day '09

So last week was Mother's Day... we're supposed to go dinner with gramma but Shorty ffk (ps- gramma misses Eva! please arrange a time to see her after she's back from Taiwan cos she'll be going to Melbourne with 2nd gramma in June!). so i went dimsum with gramma and 2nd gramma on Mother's Day.

at night, i suggested to bring Smelly's mom for dinner cos i know Smelly wouldn't do anything if i didn't plan it. initially, we wanted to go Duck King at Jaya One (i think..) and i was very excited cos i've never been there. Smelly been there few times and he raved about the duck there. we supposed to go out at about 6pm but Smelly's mom got guest at home and we waited til about 8pm. so we had to go somewhere else for duck.. i think we went to Seapark.. Smelly said they have similar duck.. so disappointed that i didn't get to try Duck King. hmph..

the duck.

got the drumstick!
some pumpkin dish. it has mushroom, abolone slice, sea cucumber, scallop.. er.. dunno what else. quite nice. i like the pumpkin! very sweet and tasty!

love the mushroom!

dunno what fish. very fresh! i like! but it's like.. RM70 for this dish alone! damn expensive right? and it's only half the fish! the pumpkin is only RM50.. grr.. seafood..

family photo. (Smelly's brother went fishing. i think he forgot about Mother's Day though.. lol... )

we actually ordered seong tong nai bak er... vege soup.. but then it never came so we cancelled our order.. overall the food was delicious. i'd rate 7/10. it's packed when we arrived. i think due to Mother's Day. but then Smelly said normal day also very packed cos people go for the duck... i forgot what's the restaurant's name though...

can't wait to try Duck King!

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