Tuesday, May 19, 2009

what's for dinner?

Smelly's parent went to Lake Toba for a holiday last weekend so we're home alone. since both of us were too lazy to drive out to get food, i decided to look in the fridge for something that i can cook. found some minced pork and prawns. so i fried the minced pork, fried prawns with eggs and vege. it's the best that i could get cos the fridge is nearly empty...

fried minced pork. TOO salty that we only ate one piece each.

since the pork is too salty, i didn't put any salt or soy sauce in the egg. taste perfect!
Smelly said eggs are naturally tasty so no matter how you cook it, it's gonna taste good! gah!

stri fry siu bak choy.

healthy meal.

But Smelly said it's too dry... grr.. should've made meatball soup instead of frying it.. cos he's actually sick..

very satisfied with my cooking! hahahahah! come to think of it.. it's been a while since i last cooked a full meal like this.. at least two years since i last cooked! no time lah..

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