Monday, June 08, 2009

a new beginning

started new job for a week and i can see that i'll be very very busy from now onwards. though the company is small, i know that i can learn a lot from there. hopefully everything will go smoothly for me. i cannot let myself and everyone around me down again. especially those who are close to me. especially my ex boss. especially Smelly. i cannot afford to hurt them again and again, seeing me go aimlessly not knowing my direction even though i'm already holding a map and compass. i cannot fail them endlessly. i cannot waste my time anymore. cos i'm not young already. i've got wrinkles forming in the corner of my eyes. fine lines are more visible on my neck. back is getting hurt from sitting too long in the office. sigh! signs of aging..

oh.. last weekend we had farewell dinner for Gary and Joyce. they're migrating to NZ. hope they will have a wonderful new life there. photos coming up soon... IF i have the time to arrange it.

went for a drink and some shopping with Ann. omg... it's been like.. a year since we last went out. good to know that we've not drifted apart, like most best friends do after a while not seeing each other. i'm so glad that i've wonderful besties. two is enough for me... quality is always more important than quantity ;)

p/s: ann, we should hang out more often yea?

1 comment:

Me lor said...

Yes! And go on trips too.