Friday, July 23, 2010

My First!

first video log (taken yesterday)!! it's my second video, not posting up the first one cos it's stupid. lol.. the reason why i'm doing this is because the internet connection in Heritage Hotel, Ipoh is REALLY REALLY bad. i had to go to the door to get the connection!!! like this!!

see? erghh..

i'm back in KL now. checked out and came straight to office to do some work and a meeting at 3.30pm later.

okay.. this video is actually quite pointless. gah.. go away!

i believe that practice makes perfect! more to come!! bleh..


Me! Me! Me! said...

Ha, now can go audition to become a telly presenter.

dy said...

telly presenter!! wtf! hahahahha "mei gau ban" lah