Tuesday, November 30, 2010

of enemies and troubles.

I came back from Beijing with mild sore throat and nose blocked for about a week. Not exactly the best feeling, especially when I couldn’t really taste what I ate. But not as bad as Shorty though.. she had a terribly flu and her taste bud went absolute bonkers. Actually the weather lately is super crazy. One minute it was mad hot and stuffy, another minute it gets all gloomy and rain heavily. Almost half of my colleagues are sick. Not sure if it’s because of the Beijing trip or KL weather is just nuts.

Okay. I’m gonna stop talking about the boring weather.

I was gonna rant about a lot of things that happened lately. But I’m too tired to even care anymore. It’s just major waste of time. I know some of you are waiting for my classic “jahdou” and ranty posts (hikhik) but since I told you guys d, no need lah… wait til the time bomb explode again then I’ll write a long one. heh.

Okay.. I changed my mind.

You see.. this year, there are so many shitty things happened to me (luckily not major ones lah). Work wise, it was considered good if not great, BUT… (see? There’s always a BUT) .. there’s ALWAYS a bitch who just like to ruin your good life. Pfft. First, there’s a colleague who like to make my life miserable by making things difficult. But me being me, I use all my energy to accommodate him and try to understand the reason behind his attitude/character and of course, for me, work is just work. So I don’t take it personal and most of the time, I just don’t care if he is going to be annoyed or angry, as long as I get my work done and I don’t mind being scolded at, because again, it’s just work. So after a while, I learned that he was not a bad person after all. Just that a lot of people cannot stand the way he does things and found him unbearable and hard to get along. After half a year working together, we’re kinda good friends/colleagues. Until today, a lot of them still don’t understand how I can get along and work with him. I’ll always remember how mom always says, “if someone treated you badly, you don’t have to treat them bad too. In contrast, you have to treat them better than you already did. One day, they will understand.” And yes, I believe in karma too.

But that was not only it… one enemy down and a new enemy turn up! Wtf.. nonstop cycle! This one is a major bitch if you ask me. I have never met or known any colleagues like this in my 7 years of working experience! Omg.. I don’t even know where and how to start describing her… she is super spoilt as a daughter, girlfriend AND colleague. Seriously.. if she work somewhere else, I think she can’t even stand a day. She is also super whiny and likes to complain every single thing to my boss. Long story. But to cut it, my boss is also another lembik one. I’m not even sure if I want to respect him after what he portrayed himself to be. But I guess I respect him as just my boss, nothing more than that. Cos he seems to be biased and I super hate favoritism between bosses and staffs. I mean.. I’m aware that favoritism is normal, but not to that extend lah… another thing is.. I super hate it when we (all the other colleagues) talk to him, he never really pay attention and ALWAYS have his eyes laying on her direction. Grrr!!! Wtf! my things are not urgent meh! He ALWAYS go to her direction when I’m halfway talking to him!! Damn cibai one I tell you…

If I were to go on and talk about her, I think 3 days 3 nights also not enough. Pfft. I’m damn pissed.

Not only colleagues that are giving me problems… friends-turned-enemy also giving me so much trouble. Luckily I have nothing to hide and things just died after ignoring it. Seriously. Ignorance is bliss. No point arguing with bimbo who act godly and strong when inside, she’s just another vulnerable psycho.

Oh.. and BFFs who are damn stubborn. I wonder if they’re worth my precious time… (no lah.. I still love my BFFs. I’m just annoyed at them for being so clueless sometimes).

And Smelly… he is number one in irritating me. grrr!!!! I cannot be mad at him no matter how hard I tried cos he got a joker face that will make me laugh whenever I look at him when I’m angry. Wtf. he STILL calls me fat and it’s mad annoying lor!!!! sidenote: kena nag for spending so much and owing still a lot. Pfft. But he just bought GT5 for like 300bucks and he have not gotten a console yet! Wtf. who is spendthrift now eh?

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