Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Cough Syrup + Flu Med Combo

Today is one of those days when I woke up, went to work, and felt empty.

I don’t know.. I blame it on the drugs (cough syrup and flu med) due to the bad coughing and nightmares of losing my teeth (I found out that my bottom retainers don’t fit anymore. fml. Wearing top retainers every night from now.)

Last week was the end of a series of seminar that I worked on. 14 locations within 6 months. So much of travelling throughout Malaysia. Had fun despite some difficulties along the way. I guess the thing that I’ll be missing the most is… obviously the travel allowance that I get. Heheh.

Been thinking about a lot of things lately. Past, present, future. Everything seems so… mediocre. Is this what I wanted all along? Is this supposed to be? Will it be different, if I took the road not chosen? How is it like, if some decisions were made differently? How will it change, if words are spoken in another way? There are so many endless possibilities. Maybe better. Maybe worse. At the end of the day, someone will just tell you to “count your blessings, forget the past, enjoy the present and look forward to the future”. Cliché, but it’s kinda true. That’s what most probably kept me moving all along. Life is as simple as it is. It’s the human heart and brain that makes it difficult (or in some cases, someone makes it difficult). Sigh.

I guess I better stop writing and layan the cough syrup+flu med high now.

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