Monday, December 13, 2010

I Love Lazy Weekends!

No photo cos i refused to post up more shitty photos here. *hint for Christmas present - CAMERA*

last weekend was spent lazing off my butt.

Smelly bought a new TV cos he bought a PS3 just to play Gran Turismo (GT) 5. pfft. which took the whole study desk space to put the TV and his butt stuck on half of the bed most of the time when he's home.

brighther side for me, i can finally watch movies with a bigger screen. ok lah... give and take (or not?).

went to Times Square for the GT5 roadshow just to see and try the steering wheel console cos we're planning to get one. now we need to think of a perfect place to place the console IF we really gonna get it. which, on a side note, (i hope) will accelerate the process of us getting a new place.

gonna start going to gym tonight after work. hopefully can last this time.

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