Friday, December 22, 2006

Loud and Wrong

Now, I want to talk about my colleague.

She's loud. When I say loud, means really LOUD. Especially when she's on the phone with guests with a bad line. She'll shout through the phone asking, "Hello SIR? CAN YOU HEAR ME???!?" really impatient. Sometimes, she mute her phone and say,"Yer/Arghh/Ugh... chi sin (crazy) punya guest/hou lan farn ar li goh yan (this person is fucking annoying)/or whatever bad words that she can think of to describe the guest". And then unmute and talk to the guest.

At times, she would talk to the guest like the guest is her lanjiao friends. She'll sound really REALLY hiau. She'll talk like there's something stucked in her throat that she have to control her voice and kononnya make the guest feels that she's very friendly that she have to draaaggggg each and every word that she said. gross.

She likes to complain to people around her during lunch time at the pantry. "Oh... I've got so many calls today.. So busy... So many mah fan (troublesome) guest.. So many reservations.. Haiya...Bla.. Bla.. Heehehe.. Blaa... "

Sometimes, I just feel like asking her to shut up and stop telling everyone that you have a lot of reservations... But then, there's no need to do so coz she's never ranked in the top 5 sales anyway..

She can be a real annoying person. She's fat. (okay, i'm not supposed to discriminate fat people.. but she's too annoying). She eats really FAST. She can finish a packet of rice in like.. what, 5 minutes?? That fast.. Not only she eats fast, she eats LOUD and messy too. I don't really like sitting together with her during lunch cos i'll be hearing her chomping down her food.. "Chiuk...chuik..chiuk...". Damn disgusting and no table manners at all. Sometimes, I bring food to office.. Those self-cooked stuff like Fried Egg with Prawns and Onions, instant noodles, etc... When we eat together, she'll look at my food and ask, "Can I taste some of your eggs/mee/prawns/fried calamari??" while her chopstick almost touched the dish. Being polite and looking at her gestures, I always say, "Yeah.. Sure... Eat la.. I can't finish tho." Not that I mind, but then after hearing those "Chiuk...Chiuk...Chiuk" sound when she's eating made me lose my appetite.

Today, I heard her shouting to guest again. Her desk is like... 15feet away from my desk and when she talks, it's really distracting, especially when I'm talking to guests too. Sometimes, guest who's online with me will ask, "Who's that?/I'm sorry I can't hear you cos it's too noisy there," damn malu can! And just now, I was reading my book and heard her shouting, " C, H, E, A,..." then she mute her phone and say, "This guest don't pass her English ar?", unmute and repeat the same thing.. then I asked, "what she's asking you to spell?" (I supposed the guest is a Hongkie) She unmute and say, "Cheaper," then spelled out to the guest very loudly, "C-H-E-A-P-P-E-R... uhm... yes... Charlie How Easy Apple, Peter Peter Easy Roger," proudly.

I stood up and tell her, "It's C-H-E-A-P-E-R. Some more wanna say people don't pass English." and I sat down, blogging about her now.

Long Holiday.

I had my replacement leave on Monday and Tuesday. Which means, I have 4days of holiday including Saturday and Sunday. And co-incidently, my team leader arranged my off day on Thursday. Which means, I off for 4days, work 1day and off 1day, work 2days. Yes, she make me work on this Saturday.

And guess what? I took emergency leave on Wednesday! hahahaa!!... 6days holiday...

But then again, staying at home all day is no fun. Really. It's boring. Especially when you're alone. No interesting show on TV, nothing else to do online, no more cigarettes and the weather is too hot to go anywhere. Yesterday, I felt like... dying of boredom. Felt so hard to breathe. Felt like shouting. Felt like jumping here and there... so boring. But after a short nap and knowing that Ming is back home, I felt a lil better.

I told Ming that I'll go crazy if i stay one more day at home doing nothing. Luckily I'm working today. Get some fresh air.. Working 6a.m shift. Reached this bloody place at 5.30a.m... nobody's here yet. I had to squat in front of the offive and wait for my colleagues with keys to come. Read my newly bought book, Jeffrey Archer's As The Crow Flies/The Prodigal Daughter. The book is 2-in-1. RM 19.90 from MPH bookstore. 'twas a bargain.

Still no plans for Christmas.. Might be going for dinner at Gary's place. I wanna go Malacca for holiday... a day trip perhaps? yea.. I miss the satay celup... huhuhuhu...

ok.. I'll load up some pictures later.. When I have mood to blog about what I did last weekend during my 6-days holiday...

back to work!

Friday, December 15, 2006

Safe Sex.

today, i want to talk about sex.




almost everybody who's in a relationship thought of sex. at least once. it's either the guy, or the girl will make the first move.

for me, my first sex experience, was an agreed-by-both-parties one. well, i was just 16 years old that time. first love, very passionate, very affectionate, very in love back then.

well, i never have to worry about buying condoms back then... cos without it, i will never agree to make out. it's not safe. and i don't really trust my ex.

up til now, i'm very particular about this issue.

must have safe sex!

i will never understand people who doesn't want to practice safe sex.

is that so hard?

i know, you must be asking, "don't tell me you never have unprotected sex before?". yes, i have had unprotected ones before, but then it's only when i trust the person and when i know my menstrual cycle well enough. even so, i'll take the morning-after pills after that. but it happens once in a thousand times. rare.

back to what i wanted to say...

is it so hard to go to a nearest pharmacy or kedai runcit or petrol station to buy a packet of condom or pills? plus, it's not expensive. it doesn't cost you a fortune to buy one packet.

girls too. if you know about the risk of having unprotected sex, you don't wait for guys to buy them. you can go buy yourself! if they say the don't want to use it, screw them! (literally..) don't agree to have sex unless they practice a safe one. make a habit and every possible attempt to practice safe sex.

for those who say go for pills, you can. if your body can take it. some people, like one of my relative, she take pills regularly but didn't use condom, still, she got pregnant. doctor told her that her body didn't react to the drug.

i know the possibility is still there if you use a condom, but hey, that's one of the safest and cheapest method for youngsters.

for those who are married and do not want kids yet, plan. consult your doctor. put a diaphragm or IUD or birth control shot. it's not fussy as you only have to do it once and leave for a period of time until the next change.

unlike one of my friends, according to her, her partner doesn't like to use the condom. and they normally opt for the withdrawal method. but then again, this is the most risky method... i ask you, when a guy is very very VERY high and enjoying the intercourse, will he stop what he's doing and think about the future? my opinion is, very high possibility that they won't stop. at that most pleasurable time, they will only think of the way to make them feel more sexited and enjoy the whole process. "forget about the withrawal method... won't get pregnant one.. you think so easy ar? so many people want to get pregnant and they have to fuck try so hard to get a child..". pshh!! instead of contributing to Alam Flora or the Indah Water, he just contributed to his family. a new member of his bloodline.

that is what happened to my friend.

she knew that she's pregnant from the very first month itself. as her friends, we were very concern of this. she aborted twice. and this is the third time. she told us that she will do it once her partner have the money. weeks becomes months... and we almost forgot about it... one fine day, i asked again... "how's the abortion?" she told me she have not went. WHAT????!? apparently she have some argument with her partner. (she's actually thrid party. the man have wives and kids. yes. his current wife if the third wife.) they got married in a temple a month before she's pregnant. they didn't register their marriage. at that time, she told me that she don't want the baby. they had an argument before and she told me that she will leave her partner after she abort the child. she told everybody that she don't want the relationship anymore cos the partner is not good enough, doesn't trust her, bla... bla... so she's waiting for the partner to get money for her to abort the baby. and the time when i asked her, she's already almost 5 months pregnant.

5 fucking MONTHS!!!!!

not 5 weeks...

5 months!! she even have the guts to tell everybody that she'll abort it after she told everybody that she went for scanning and saw the baby's little hands and legs.. and heart..

after a week, she aborted it. so fucking stupid can die few times!!!

after this incident, i hardly want to talk to her anymore.

one of our friends, who really wanted a child but due to some health problem, she couldn't give birth, offered her some money to adopt her baby. she said no.

what she told us behind that poor lady's back?

"why should i give my baby away? i susah-susah pregnant for 9 months and expect me to giveaway the child?? i rather abort it."

she's so stupid that i feel like killing her after i heard that! i thought she will say, "i rather keep it and die-die also raise it..." but no, rather abort it!!! knnccb no brain magechaofahai! got heartbeat, got arms and legs leh!! she heartless bitch! fetus killer!! she will be burned in hell when she die. she will die miserably!!!


after abortion, she can say, "dy, you must teach me how to buy condoms now... what's the best, which brand wear already cannot feel, which type will enhance pleasure, etc..." magelanjiaodiuchaohai!! i feel like slapping her there and there... but i didn't la... i just say, "you killer... condoms are all the same," without turning to her. she can still laugh happily and talk about flavoured and weird shape condoms.

bei yan diu lar!

lrt experience.

if you're lack of affection, care and love and are dying of it, you can try to board the lrt every morning from 8-9 or evening 5-7. you might just get lucky and have your forehead kissed by a tall, dark and handsome guy....! but unfortunately for me, i get to molest a woman's head with my breast... -_-: serious! she's THAT short..

ok... getting on the lrt every morning is a havoc for me. well, especially around 8a.m. to 9a.m. The train will be extremely full and jam packed with people. college students, OL (office ladies), travellers with their large backpack (i wonder why their out so early), and lotsa other office people. the lrt, for me, is to avoid the traffic jam and be at our destination on time with a comfortable surrounding and safer journey. but i'm wrong..

today, like usual, ming drop me at the lrt station at Asia Jaya. i have to take the train to Masjid Jamek. That's a lot of station to pass before i reach there. as i walked up the escalator, i turned and saw the train is waiting for me.. (don't know why it just stopped there for quite some time). i walked pass door by door. it's full. no place for me to squeeze in... but to my luck, i saw a spot at one of the train's entrance. so i walked in the stood there, facing outside. you see, standing on my left is a very tall guy. in his early 20s i think. his back facing me. 45 degrees i think. then, on my right, there's a woman in her mid 30s. at my 7 o'clock, there's a guy with a luggage. behind me was another tall uncle in his 40s, standing with both of his hands on the bar above him. and at my 5o'clock, a college girl facing me. the position is not few metres away. it's a few milimeters away from each other. yes. THAT close we are. at first, i have no problem with that position. considered as comfortable in that situation. so the train moved...

first few stations passed without having to move around cos it's the door at the other entrance that's been used. and until this particular station, i think it's station Universiti, i saw the crowd outside... it's like... double of what we have in the train. all nicely lined up, waiting to board the train. unfortunately, the door in front of me have to be opened for them to come in. in the situation like that, i wouldn't board it... but no, two ladies squeezed in. and i have to move a bit to the back. so everybody's body is touching other people's body part.. lucky for me, there's a luggage on my side and i have some fresh air to breathe..

then another station that have to use the door in front of me... people from the inside have to go out, so i stepped out from the train for their convenience. after they came out, i went back in and this time, people from my back, left and right are pushing me into the train. so i got back the same spot. but they pushed me nearer to the luggage and the uncle behind me. i felt his whole body glued to me. and i'm glued to the poor guy's luggage. and this is when a fat, FAT (when i say FAT, it's double my size..) lady squeezed in. stood in front of me.. i'm half dead being squeezed like that. she pushed so hard that me and the girl beside me nearly fall though there will be no place for us to fall. then, i had to stand in a very weird position cos it's too packed.

i nearly died. turn to the right, the smell of the tall guy's perfume. so juk.. turn to the left, the girl's long curly hair brushing my nose, turn to the back, worse! nose will touch the uncle's armpit!! ugh... so i had no choice but to stay where i was, facing the tudung of the fat lady. damn smelly can die.

luckily it's just two station. i went down at Masjid Jamek and to my horror, the station is triple times two crowded compared to the people in the train. then i heard the announcement they made via PA system. "... masalah teknikal.... kesulitan amat dikesali.....sila beratur... harap bersabar...."

no wonder.

luckily i'm taking Sri Petaling line when i go home... at least the trains are bigger and longer.

Thursday, December 14, 2006


I AM working now. (sobz..)
I JUST NOW smoked a ciggi.
I WANT more holidays.
I HATE it when the alarmS rings non-stop in the morning.
I MISS my mommy.
I FEAR of heights and lizards.
I HEAR the sound of air cond and my colleagues talking.
I REGRET not going to the airport last year.
I AM NOT born thin.
I SING in the shower.
I CRY everytime i watch A Walk To Remember.
I AM NOT ALWAYS irrational.
I MADE him worry.
I WRITE most of my thoughts here.
I CONFUSE myself most of the time.
I NEED affection.
I SHOULD go jogging whenever i have time.
I START jumping joyfully whenever i meet my long-lost highschool friends.
I FINISH drinking my coffee and i need a refill now.
I TAG nobody.

have you guys realise that my title for the previous post actually have nothing to do with the content? well... actually, like always, i tend to get carried away once i started writing. at first, i wanted to rant about the daily routine that i'm getting so bored of... don't know why suddenly write about something else... heh...

the routine.

i've been having weird dreams lately.


1.) buying a lot, a lot, A LOT of junk foods for no reasons.

2.) looking for diet supplements and programs all around the world. (this also, dreamt of it a few times d...). kinda contradicts with the first dream huh?

3.) being chased by bad guys out of nowhere. (this dream, damn tiring.. have to run until i wake up! ).

4.) being captured by giant lizards...! giant means two size BIGGER than me...! (speechless... must be because of ming who always scares me with it.).

5.) saving my sister from giving a blowjob to an Arab guy who tried to kidnap us. (this is damn funny and felt real!!!). my favourite! hahahaha!!! i actually poured a cup of hot tea onto the guy's penis and ran off! (no, he's not naked. still wearing his pants tho.)


why having this kinda dreams? weird right? especially the Arab guy part.

also, been waking up earlier than usual. 5a.m./6a.m.

automatically woke up. felt very fresh too.. but i usually go back to sleep cos it's too early to do anything. ming suggested me to go jogging if i'm still waking up automatically around that time. he said it's a very good time to have some exercise. ugh... it's been few years since the last time i went jogging. 2 years back i think. i can't jog. i hate jogging. it's very tiring. i prefer swimming. or maybe cycling. have to find time to go swimming again tho. very out of shape. almost very fat.

btw, i still have no idea what to get for ming for xmas. perhaps i'll just treat him dinner. any suggestions? i thought of getting a card holder for him, since he just started this new job and he have so many name cards to keep. but he told me he don't need one. don't like to use... very mah fan. ok... card holder out. what about pen? he's using Faber Castell ballpoint pen now. i know using those penis pens is not a problem, i'm using the same type too, but then... he's always out meeting people, i think he needs a nicer looking penis pen. like Mont Blanc ones? okay.. since i'm halfway to bankruptcy and because certain people who owed me money for more than 1 year still don't want to pay me back, i think i'll just look for a cheaper brand with similar quality. suggestions anyone?? but then again, he told me before that he don't really want to have fancy penis pens. always lose things. so, forget about the penis pens.

i thought of getting him a memory card for his phone. he's been complaining that his current memory card is only 64MB. "only can put 4 full length original quality songs you know...!", that's what he told me when he's trying to delete some of the stuff in his card.

uhm... speaking of phones, shall i get a new handsfree kit for him instead? his headset went MIA for almost a year and he's using mine now. hmm.. good idea?

well, i think i'll just treat him dinner at TEMPTationS @ Renaissance KL. got 50% discount somemore!!

i still need ideas for our 1st year anniversary gift... it's on 1st January... bah!!!!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


i don't believe in true love anymore.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


ok..let's start all over again..


okay.. i was saying that i feel very confusing lately.

i used to think that people are very special in different ways. also, they're very different in a special way.

but i think i'm wrong.

they're all the same.

packaging is still more important than the ingredient. no matter how bad or ugly somethings is, as long as the packaging looks nice, presentable and attractive, people will still buy it regardlessly of how bad it looks the inside.

some people loves to suffer just to feel good, look nice and feel confident. like.. they buy an of oh-so-overly expensive pair of shoes but ended up shoving it into the shoe rack after wearing it for 5 minutes. why? you'd ask.. they bought and wear it only to find that the shoe actually didn't fit them perfectly, giving them fugly big monstrous blisters after walking for 5 minutes.

my question is... why not buy a shoe that fits perfectly well and comfortable, that won't give you blisters all over your oh-so-precious sole? instead of wasting money on something that you don't really want, can't really afford; just to look good? why not getting a more comfortable, least expensive one and spending the extra money on something else? like a dress or bag to match the shoe? of course, if you can find a shoe that's both really nice and expensive and comfortable and really fit, then that's plus pont. consider yourself lucky.. how many person in this world actually have that luck? having to find something all in one package? it's like winning lottery... one in a trizillion.


some people are just too smart. or should i say, they think that they're smart. they grab things that comes by. they went, they saw, they grab. just because other people have, they want. even when they don't need it. even when it doesn't fit, they grab. never mind, grab first, later only alter. why grab when you knew it won't fit? why take it home when you knew that you'll change it? why? scared other people take everything and left nothing for you?

why not grab something that you're looking for? something that you will like. something that suits you? rather than taking the trouble and time to change it into something else? what's the purpose of creating it of you're going to change it? aren't you erasing it's originality? why take it when you're not ready to accept the whole of it? why not look for something that's already made that way? ever heard of imperfection?

these people just amazed me.

why give hope when you don't mean to fulfill me?
why say things when you're not ready to commit?
why keep me when you know you're letting me go?


i wrote a bunch of things just now and it's all gone by just one accidential click!

someone humour me.

Monday, December 11, 2006

i got. you got or not?

guess what i've got?

holiday leave!


got my leave approved the other day. luckily they wanted minimum people working. so, i have replacement PH on the 18 & 19 dec, 25 dec, 1 & 2 jan... but feel so short.. but it's ok... i still have 7 annual leave that can be carry forward to next year!


anyway, feel like going to somewhere far for holiday..

some place like bali, phuket or redang?

i'll save it for next year then..

i slept the whole day yesterday. whole day really meant whole day.. slept around 11am, forced to wake up at 10pm to have my breakfast+lunch+dinner, which is a bowl of "lou wong gua" soup, went back to sleep and forced to wake up at 9am this morning to come to work. damn.... how i wished all the state's holiday is shared with wilayah persekutuan. ugh...

i supposed to reach office just on time for our daily briefing. but when i reached the car park, only to realise that my wallet is not in the bag... i thought i dropped it somewhere in the car, took me almost 10 minutes to search the entire car. then only i remembered that it's in another bag.. ugh... have to owe the parking guy.

hope that there's no road block on the way back later.. damn..

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

the list.

christmas is coming...

still no plans yet.. don't know where to go and what to do on that night. can't be away from KL tho.. might not get my leave approved.. damn...

anyway, i got some christmas present ideas for ming from some friends.. think i know what to get him already..

anyway... i have a wishlist tho.. haha!!! ( you know what i mean... *winkz*)

-hugo intense. been longing for it since it launches... -_-

-nose : white pointed heels. i'll get it myself soon anyway... but it's better if someone gets it for me! hehe..

-adidas tennis lifestyle shoes. saw it in cleo mag oct 06 issue. couldn't find it anywhere yet. it's similar to converse.

-a proper wallet. i put everything in a coin pouch now.. i need something more serious.

-this heel. cute huh?

-striped cashmere dress. nice. i like. can get similar one also can already... this is expensive..

-a ring. like this one. very nice hor?

-a pet dog. i'll name it chuzzie.

so if any of you wanna get me something for christmas, valentine's day, birthday, friendship day or any special occasion, even for no reason at all, refer to the list above.. you won't go wrong with that list..

ヾ(@^▽^@)ノ わはは

i feel SO materialistic now.


Thursday, November 30, 2006

the birthday.

went to mun ling's 21st birthday at Redbox Sg Wang the other day...

well, to be honest, i wasn't really in the mood for parties lately.. very tired. working everyday and no break.. just.. suck and tired shit.

just the week before mun ling's birthday, i ffk-ed quite a lot of ppl's birthday party... felt so bad.... i even forgot my dad's birthday!! damn..

so, i decided to be a nice friend. go to mun ling's party.. heheheee... plus, we've been hanging out lately and it's been a long time i didn't see ann and peik yen...

see? i'm actually nice...

with the birthday baby!!!

charmaine and ann..

charmaine and her parents surprised mun ling that night. she came back from australia a week earlier just to be there for mun ling's big day... so she's the overly nice friend!

with ann babe.

munling: "come, come... we take photo here..."
charmaine: "ha? toilet wor.."
munling: "haiya, never mind la.."

Σ( ̄ε ̄;・・・

the two person that i don't see often.

she's one of the first friends that i know in primary. geez.. already 14 years!!

best friends.

that's what written on the cake....
who's idea was it anyway??

peik yen: "eat the cake.... it's chocolate cheesecake.... eat..."

after a few rounds of liquor, she's flat on the toilet floor.
damn wasted...

eee.... she sleeps like she's on her own bed...

finally woke up.

thank god charmaine's parent were there to send them home... they're damn sporting you know... and her dad sings too... hehe..

and last but not least, of course, a photo with my signature pose!! ekekeee.....
though it's only a few of us, but we had fun tho.. too bad i have to leave early to pick ming up at hartamas...
he had fun too that night, he went to Soda for Miss Hypertune finals.. girls are not bad he said. but he's a lil tipsy... so we went home straight and before i finish cleaning my face, he's asleep like a pig. with terribly loud hiccups... ugh...
(,,#゚Д゚):∴;'・,;`:ゴルァ!! damn ugly can?
ugh... so many things to do... so little time.. i have to get contact lenses, yes, not one but a few.... for a friend, have to do my laundry... one week laundry!! hmm... so many other things to do that i don't even remember what i wanted to do...
okay.. that's all for today...
back to work!

Thursday, November 23, 2006

"although you are scurrilous, though i always treat you like a guy, but you're still a girl. and you're still the person whom i can talk to when there's nobody's around for me. you're the best person that i can share with."

that's what he told me over the phone today.

"huh? what talking you?" i replied.

i really don't know what he's talking about. i mean... knowing him for almost 6 years, he's definitely joking..

"i'm serious. every word. it's what i've always wanted to say. but was too shy to say it out." he replied.


"don't joke around la.. what happened? why say like that? you okay or not? i don't understand what you're talking about lor.."

"you don't have to understand. i'm happy enough to have you here to listen.really!"

Σ( ̄ε ̄;・・・

"okay.. so what you wanna talk about?"

we continued talking for a while and hung up.


the best??

this is SO not him.

the normal him...

-when i did something that doesn't make sense.... he'll say...
"tiu! why you so 7 stupid geh??"

-when i grin, smile or laugh at him.... he'll say...
"niama..... siew lan ar siew??? slap 9 lei gah..."

-when i asked for something that he thinks is ridiculous... he'll say...
"lei soh lan jor ar?"

-when i made a mistake.. like stood him up, forgot to do something, etc... he'll say...
"ngor tiu 9 lei jau gau lor...."

see? he treats me like a guy. that's only part of it.

he'll verbal-abuse me vulgarly.


without fail.

like nobody's business.

but today, it's different. it's been a while since we have a heart-to-heart talk.

he's been there everytime i needed help. and i've always thought that i'm the one who's dependant on him. i've always thought that i'm the one who needed him.

but i'm wrong.

i've never thought that he also need me to be there.

i've never thought that my presence brings comfort to him.

we don't really see each other so often anymore. we don't hang out like we used to anymore. we don't even TALK as much anymore.

but i'm glad.

i'm glad that we still have each other in our hearts.

i'll always remember how he replied me when i once asked him long time ago, "where am i in your heart?"

he drew heart shape on the table and pointed right in the middle of the heart.

"right there," he replied with a smile.

"there? isn't that is where your girlfriend supposed to be?"

he pointed everywhere in the heart. "she's here."


"ceh..... make me happy a while... tiu.." i pouted.

"yes. my girlfriend is everywhere. though she's all over my heart, i don't know where to start finding for her. cos she's always moving. but you're right in the middle. you're only at one place. the place where i know i can definitely find you there. the place where nobody could ever replace.."

Friday, November 17, 2006

the meme.

Very boring.

So i decided to bore you guys with this.....

Four jobs I would stink at:

1. Accountant (I assumed that all accountants tends to become very calculative due to the influence of their job's nature) .

2. Model (I can't live without food. And to become a model, I have to have a strict diet to maintain my body figure because I'm not born thin).

3. Lawyer (Lawyers always thought that they're right. Even when they're wrong, they will argue until you give up and agree with them even though you're not willing to).

4. Full time Blogger (I only can write when I'm emotional. on normal days, I lose all my ability to write).

Four pretend nicknames I'm making up for myself:
1. Suzie
2. Dum Dum
3. Denquerida
4. Dy

Four movies I have watched over and over (and did not fall asleep):
The Dead Poet's Society (it's so touching...)
The Green Mile (sad..)
The Sound of Music

Can't think of any other at this moment.

Four things I love to do on weekends:
1. Sleep in.
2. Watch CSI re-runs on AXN.
3. Hanging out with friends.
4. Continue sleeping and pigging out.

Four alcoholic beverages I've enjoyed:
1. Bailey's.
2. Bailey's.
3. Bailey's.
4. And more Bailey's.

Four celebrities I would go on a Big Date with:
I don't have any celebrity crushes.

Four things I could not live without (excluding the essentials):
1. Money.
2. Our stinky pillow.
3. Our stinky comforter.
4. Jeans.

Four of my favourite foods, whom I'd like to bon appetite with:
1. Tom Yam @ Gombak (with bB).
2. Seafood @ Bagan Lalang (with my colleagues).
3. Dim Sum @ Ipoh (with my family).
4. French-something Chicken Chop @ MoMo (with bB).

Four places I would rather be right now:
1. New York.
2. Japan.
3. Bali.
4. Home.

Four people I'm mercilessly tagging:

Thursday, November 16, 2006

my orbituary.

Guess who will miss me when i die??? ekekekeeee....

Paris Hilton!
Terribly missed?
Σ( ̄ε ̄;・・・